Error Appears

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"W-wHY arE yOu d-DatIng murDERer?" Emmy asked Vanna.

"Because the only reason he kills is because Frisk and Chara murdering everyone like 300+ times." Vanna replied. Clearly this was about Dusttale Sans.

"I-it wON't e-EvEr worK oUt." Emmy said.

"I believe he can be a better person. Me and him have been training for him to become a great person like he used to be." Vanna explained.

"FuCkINg-InG GEno-O-ciDe." Emmy says sighing.

"Speaking of Genocide. How's Geno?" Vanna asks about Aftertale Sans.

"H-he'S fIne." Emmy responds.

"I like how you both date all the Sans'." Author~Sama adasnow93 says joining in their conversation. "Except for the ones that are right for you."

"Y-yeAH, l-LIkE yoU an-AnD f-FreSh." Emmy says making her glasses slide down and looking into her soul, her eyes going black with blue pupils.

Author~Sama just stares not amused at all. Doesn't tremble in fear, not even in shock.

"Emmy, that doesn't work on her." Vanna says knowing the truth.

"Y-yeAH yeAh, I kn-KNoW. ShE creATeD u-US." Emmy says.

"I see how Ink feels about all his creations now. Oh wait, he only assisted in making them. Oh, well. Heh." Author~Sama said starting to feel the chill of her attachment to the strings from Error.

"You okay Author~Sama?" Vanna asked me.

"shE'S-s pr-ProBablY f-FinE." Emmy says.

Author~Sama perks up trying to change the atmosphere, and conversation. "H-hey! Don't you have a date with one of your Sans'?" Author~Sama asked, mostly towards Vanna.

"Yeah, I have one with Horrortale Sans." Vanna replies with a big smile creeping all over her face, ear to ear.

"Y-yOU me-MEaN mUr-MuRDer?" Emmy said, glitchy as usual.

"Ugh, only other Sans' have those kind of nicknames for each other." Vanna says.

Author~Sama feels the blue strings tighten. They were invisible in our world in space. "Well, haha, then go silly!" Author~Sama said making Vanna teleport without another word.

"s-So, y-YoU ne-NEVer d-d-do that.." Emmy starts, but was cut off by Author~Sama falling on the ground holding her chest. "a-ada?" She spoke in a normal tone, but stuttered since she isn't used to having a normal tone in voice without glitching.

"I'm fine, I swear." Author~Sama says fully falling on the ground.

Emmy's eyes were black with blue pupils and she used her magic to lift Author~Sama up and set her on the couch. Emmy sits next to her and looks down.

"Fuck, what do I do?" Emmy says without glitching or stuttering. She was clearly stressed.

"E-eMMy." A voice says as a figure entered the room out of thin air.

"E r r o r." Emmy says. "Leave h-er a-alone."

"Ooo-oh, sh-she's protec-tecting you." Error says.

"A n d I s a i d: Leave. Her. ALONE. I don't care what is happening between you two, don't mess with her. Ever. Again." Emmy said clearly with flames radiating from her eyes and fists.

Emmy takes her glasses off revealing her eyes.

"You a-are a-ALot LikE m-ME aND fr-FreSH." Error says.

A portal legit makes a rip into the wall, then he came out.

"What's up broski?" He asks to Error. He looks over at the couch. "Yo, what's going on up in here?"

Author~Sama sits up and looks at her surroundings. "H-huh? Emmy? Fresh? Error..? What's going on?" She asked looking at each of them as saying their name.

"N-noTHin-inG im-iMPortAnT." Error says.

Author~Sama just stares at him. "Shut up Error."

"I just sk8ed in here just now, I have no idea, but it seems uncool." Fresh says.

Emmy puts her shades back on and makes her eyes normal again. Fresh pushes his glasses up.

"So, no explanation?" Author~Sama asks.

Emmy and Error just glare at each other. Fresh holds his hand out for Author~Sama and leading her to his portal. Once they go through, the portal disappears.

"E-erRor, y-YoU sEeM lIkE th-tHe d-DuMB tyPe f-For sT-stanDinG uP TO mE." Emmy says.

"WhaT-whAtevER." He says looking anywhere but towards her. He was also hiding his blush.

"M-meH, wAnNa h-HanG ouT wi-wiTH Geno-O?" Emmy asked Error.

He chuckles with a glitch. "SuRe, aS l-LOng as we C-caN pRank hIm at-at leAst oNce." He says agreeing.

"Of couRse." Emmy replied reaching into a drawer for a gem. One of the three gems. One belonging to Author~Sama, purple, one belonging to Vanna, blue, and hers, the black gem. She grabbed the black one and held onto Error's hand blushing. She held the gem and closed her eyes while thinking of Geno. They then teleported into Geno's home. Knowing he lived in Aftertale making the place a living Hell. The place where everyone goes when they die.


Don't look at me! I write what I want. I'm bored in a flucking, yes flucking, class. I'm dealing with my "father" messaging me. He wants me to visit, I am getting a job.

Reasons I'm getting the job.

1. So I don't be at home.

2. Money to leave home.

3. To not see him.

That's all, bye now lel.

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