6. Chapter

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 "I still can't believe that I have given him my number", Jongdae whined as he kicked his feet around like a little kid.

"Well, your problem, not mine", Sehun, a normally nice beta, answered.

"If you want to make your life a living hell, if it isn't already, don't come to me and complain. It's none of my business. But I still have to admit that it's pretty obvious the he ogles your butt like a cake. Wouldn't be surprised if he would bite into it one day, even though you would protect it with machine guns", Sehun commented as Jongdae just gaped at him and growled embarrassedly.

"You are so gross, you know that?", Jongdae retorted. His nose scrunching up in disgust as the image plopped up into his mind.

"I know", Sehun smiled," That's my speciality and you know that I never give good advices. So why did you even tell me in the first place?" He asked nonchalantly.

Jongdae opened his mouth to say something, but closed it the next moment, since he couldn't say anything against that. He had to admit that Sehun was right.

He really never gave good advices.

Why did he even tell him the story again?

He himself didn't know anymore and sighed a defeated "Touché", before he went back to read his book again. He soon had to repeat some tests, mainly in English and Art, for which he had to learn a lot.

Luckily everything went smooth at the moment, except with that Minseok guy. But also he hadn't been much of a bother the past few days (if you didn't count the spam of messages he received on a daily basis) for which Jongdae was really thankful.

Unfortunately the alpha still did visit him at work. But he at least had reduced his embarrassing pick-up lines and Jongdae also didn't see him at university that often any more. Plus, he held his promise and hadn't thrown a party during last week. So Jongdae could only partially complain.

Suddenly the omega felt something hot on his right ear and a ticklish feeling from his sides up to his nipples, which made him yelp loudly.

"Aah!", he whined as he felt the same sensation, just stronger that time, again and tried to elbow the someone behind him, who caused it.

When he heard a low grunt he he immediately covered his chest in protection as he turned around to scream at the person.

"What the fuck? Do you maggot have nothing else to do than invade people's personal space?! I'll report y-"

His voice died down and his words got stuck in his throat as he saw the one standing behind him.


With one of the sassiest smirks he had ever seen and he felt his face lit up under the man's stare.

Perfect. Just perfect.

Why was he even fucking blushing in the first way? He shouldn't feel so flustered! And why did his chest feel so comfortably warm? "Stop it you stupid body!", he scolded himself as his shocked-blushing expression turned into a flushed-glaring one.

"What are you doing here?", he snapped annoyed at the other, while his blush only deepened.

"Searching you obviously", the taller stated bluntly.

"And why, if I may ask?"

"Because you didn't answer my messages and I wanted to ask you something", he said in a cheeky voice. "So I tried to catch you and followed your scent until I finally found you here." His eyes darkened as he fixed his stare onto Jongdae, which made Jongdae shiver under the alpha's intimidating eyes. "And when I saw you, I just got tempted and tried to scare you. You make cute noises by the way. I think I should do that more often", he said lowly. His voice an octave deeper and stronger than normal as he approached Jongdae, whose body was shifting under the alphas intimidating aura.

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