Chaos: Funeral

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After the funeral of the revered member of the septet, the sextet segregated ways without a mere word exchanged. Disputes cannot explain their sorrow after all.


Following the youngest of the group, he coursed home, no terms were needed to display his consternation as his tears were already gushing down his flushed cheeks.

He rested on his divan after the run home.

His parents nowhere to be seen, perhaps they were at work again. Using one of his arms, he covered his eyes, which were reddened due to the amount of weeping that occurred.

After an interval of two, he switched on his phone. The screen ignited the unlit room.

'yah! Jeon Jung Kook, switch on the light! You're damaging your eyesight!'

Waterworks were formed in his orbs again, because of the distant memory.

'Hyung...' the black-haired boy breathed.

He pressured onto the icon of 'text'. Afterwards, he pressed on the first contact of the monitor.


Taetae Hyung:

Taetae Hyung:

See you tomorrow, Kookie!


The raven blubbered at the vision of the last conversation he held with his childhood friend. Crying, he typed in his message to his Hyung.


Taetae Hyung:

Taetae Hyung:

See you tomorrow, Kookie!


Jung Kook:

Hey, Hyung|


Hyung, it's weird not talking to you in person.


Jung Kook:  

You probably won't receive this either, but I needed someone to chat to. And, you were the only option on my mind.


Jung Kook:  

You, Kim Taehyung. Don't yell at me for being informal. 😂😅


Jung Kook:  

You are seriously the best shoulder I had, to lay on. Without your presence, nothing seems right. Your hideous laugh, I actually miss it. I regret not recording your laughs to be my lullaby.


Jung Kook:  

Don't cringe on me, now. I am cringing and embarrassed enough to be insulted by you.

Hyung, I|



Tae, I really hope that you know, you created a dent in my heart. I hate you for all the things that you do to me. Your smile, it kills me just to see it.


Jung Kook:  

Your fricking eyes, they send me to the moon and back. I want to ask you a lot of things. Like, how are you not tired of smiling 24/7? How can you dazzle without the intention to? How are you so damn perfect in every single way, possible?


Jung Kook:  

I don't ever want to end this one-sided conversation

because it feels like you are still here. It feels like you

are actually reading this and is going to reply. Even

though, I know you are gone. But how can one, as

flawless as you, be murdered by a random hit-and-

run. It just seems surreal.


Jung Kook:  

I want to see you again, Hyung. Would I be able to see

you in heaven? Probably not, you are simply too good

to only be in heaven. I miss you so much.


Jung Kook:  


Thankful isn't enough to express my gratitude to you.

It's more like, you made me begin. Taehyung Hyung,

you will never know this but, I love you. I love you so

damn much! Thank you, for leading me out of my

comfort zone and greeting me with the gang.


Jung Kook:  

Thanks for listen|

Thanks for|

Thanks for reading this. It's quite unreal. To know that

you won't respond. You would normally answer in 0.1



I really do love you, so much|

I really do love|

I re|


I'll talk to you tomorrow, Hyung|

I'll talk to you|


Goodnight, Hyung|


Night, Taehyung Hyung.


Jung Kook went offline just now.


The youth sobbed for the remaining of the seemingly everlasting night. Whimpering, the dead one's name, nonstop, to sleep. 


a/n: hello, readers, thanks for reading this. My first time, doing a text-styled piece of writing. -_-||| Definitely not the best, but I tried... *bitter laughs... Anyways, another book! Yeah! (I bet that I'm the only one who's excited for it...)  

Moreover, this is a VxBTS book, mainly because, I ship everyone with him. XD. Furthermore, thank you for 25 reads on Pretext, I really appreciate it, and I'm planning to update it when I have 30 views on it... [i'm such a terrible writer]  Next, if you could, please check out my second book: Euphoria, it's certainly my favourite book. Also, whose message should I write for the second chapter? Hoseok's? Namjoon's? Jin's? Jimin's? Yoongi's? Or Jung Kook's again?

Thank you very much for reading this tale! Please continue to support it! 

Lastly: please comment down your thoughts on my tales. (I'll definitely read them all! )

Have a great day/night!


Tired out!

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