Chaos: the maltreated brunet

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a/n: finally, a proper update! I'm sorry for all the delays, but I at last finished a few of my tests, which allowed me a little break posting and writing this chapter. Thanks for waiting for this and please enjoy this interval!

Everything concerning the brunet's life was messed-up, some even commented it as 'chaos'. He had no desire to remain on this forbidding universe, where no love was delivered to him.

On a drizzling day, he was mistreated as usual by his 'family'. To avoid additional grievances, he scurried outdoors, unknown of the hazards surrounding him.

At a point, he could not move a muscle, so he collapsed, leaning on the stone-hard barrier of a house and the highway. Too drained to care, he fell unconscious, although the rain seemed to have discontinued, as he was not soaking further.


It was morning by the time he aroused. To his surprise, someone left an umbrella covering him, to prevent him from gaining a cold.

Hands trembling, he lifted the canopy, in search of its owner.

No one was beside him.

Only, a note was tied onto the sunshade's handle, it said:

Don't sleep on the streets, it's unsafe and you might catch a cold.

The wounds are deep, so I bandaged it speedily with a towel.

Please take care of yourself.

Wishing you the best of luck.


The mere memorandum brought a long-gone smile on Taehyung's visage. He planned to leave the planet, but it seems as if the world is enduring onto him.

During the years, before Taehyung's death,

he fully enjoyed it.

With the company of his friends and,

Jimin, the reason he was still there, then.

He wanted to thank them deeply,

however, he wasn't accorded the chance to do so.

So, before the accident, he wrote a heartfelt letter,

to all his dearests, fearing that he won't be able to do so

due to certain misuses from his family, face-to-face.

Those treasures are stored in his room's shelf.

He still wishes for them to discover it one day.

a/n: such a short chapter... TT  I will try to upload a longer chapter next time. I'm so sorry, I only managed to sneak-script an abbreviated affiliate.  thanks for reading this, and please continue to support this tale. please do check out my other stories too, (p.s: 'Redness' would have more frequent updates) I would personally recommend: Euphoria.  

Special thanks to:

 @youremyhope_bb (for following me.)

 @Taewyun (once again for voting, adding my tale into your reading list and commenting on my story!) 

 @winter-berry (for following me)

 @09lily09  (for adding my book into your reading list)

 @bouffex4  (for the comment and idea for sequel)

 @hujoza (for following me) 

Have a relaxed day/night! 

~ goyangi-si


Tired out!

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