Chaos: the disclosure.

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The sextet underwent the darkest of weeks, without a word interchanged. They sought to gladden one another, but it almost seems to be intolerable to break the ice taciturn wall.

They felt antagonism towards the hit-and-run. They felt grieve for their lost. How can one express the subterranean sorrow they built?

The youngest of the incomplete group, checked his phone after perceiving a ding, motioning a text.

A message from Tae's mother.

He pressed on the notification.

Tae's mother:

Found a box of the brat's stuff.

Come get it, if you want, or it's

going to the bin.

Jung kook re-read the communication to see if he read it right. 'going to the bin.' The heck?! Why would one do that to their late son's procession? He shook it off, before rapidly replying a:

Jung Kook:

Coming in a sec. don't throw it.

Afterwards, the raven rushed to his hyung's house. As soon as he reached the once distinctive red house, it was now blue, he knocked on the entrance.

An aged lady opened the door and shoved the red box to the younger, "here's the brat's things, Jong Cook. Don't give it back to this household, it's not welcomed here."

Jung kook glared at the supposed 'motherly' figure before him, did she just freaking addressed Tae as 'a brat', and called me 'Jung cook'?

Henceforth, she slammed the door at the other's face.

This enraged the youth, causing him to kick the front porch of the house a several times before leaving with the container.

He unbolted the lid to meet with...


Infires squad:

Jung Kook:

Go to hut place.


a/n: short update, because the chapter that i wrote was too long.(i slotted it into two parts and named it differently.) also i kind of want to finish this book, so expect more updates! 

thanks for 553 views! 

have a safe and fun day/night!


Tired out!

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