Promise (not an update but a preview?)

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a/n: first of all, thank yo so much for 205, views, it's seriously too dreamlike to be true. Thanks a lot! 

Secondly, i would like to sincerely apologize for my delayed updates! I have like a billion tests to revise for and I only have the ending left in store. (and it's a dreadful one, so i decided to extend the story a bit for the story to make more sense.) I'm really sorry, but the update on this book, would most likely be posted on the week after the next. I cannot apologize enough for not updating this book... TT [my little promise to update]

Thirdly, a big thank you to those who are lingering onto this book, it means a lot to me!!!!!! Thank you very much! 

Lastly, please check out my other books, if you are in need of some fluff. p.s: I am more active on my new tale: Redness, since it contains short chapters. 

also: have you seen blackpink's comeback? I'm slayed for the nth time... XD

To conclude: thanks for your support!

I better revise now or else my mum's going to kill me! TT

Lots of love, goyangi-si.

Tired out!

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