Chaos: the incident

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That night, of the brunet's death.

The firmament was ominous and pinnacle.

He experienced multiple thrills from his parents then he fled as customary, dashing along the sidewalk with unidentified tears.

There was another purpose for his movement, he was invited by Hoseok for a group meeting and as the vice leader of it, he could not have possibly skipped it.

He tried reaching for the aloof star, which shone brightly, in contrast to the sky as he ran to their conference hut.

He wanted to scream out his sentiments, but that would gain him more hatred in the region, so he kept it sealed in his devastating heart.

Once he touched the boulevard besides the beach, he bawled his will out. He roared his might out, without the intention to stop. He was ensconced in blood and saline water, and yet he was unkempt. He was the only source of clamor at that hour and yet no one gave a damn, especially when he was a nobody in the area.

After releasing all the tension, he held in his fragile body, he crossed the freeway, advancing to the group shelter without sparing a glance at the incoming car. A blazing red carriage, pleading to be seen and spotted.

And when the brunet did afford a gaze, it was too late. The two luminaries attached to the car was zooming in. Taehyung's mind told him to scuttle, but he chose to grasp the stars, so he stayed.

That was a mistake that he made.

Those two headlights were not stars as he wished for it to be.

Those two headlights were not the resembles of his deceased grandparents, whom cherished him.

Those were not the placidness he wanted, those were cyphers of dangers and yet he overlooked it, he chose to be liberated from the punishing world.

He chose to end this 'chaos'.

His 'chaos'.

His wondrous 'chaos'.

It was his decision.

Was it wrong?

Was it right?

Who knows?

Sometimes, you cannot classify things as 'white' or 'black', because it could be 'grey', 'red', 'orange', 'yellow' or even 'pink.'

And if you do, you will realize that you cannot, as everything is a chaos itself.

Without chaos, there would not be peace.

Without chaos, there would not be mayhem.

The same goes for colors, without white, there would not be black.

It is as simple as that.

a/n: Thank you very much for 503 views! I sincerely appreciate it!I am done with all my exams, meaning more updates (frequent). Yeah! I tried to make this book, a lesson but I clearly failed. I can sense that this book is ending soon. Maybe two or three chapters left. TT

(edit: just realized i forgot to do a special thanks...)

Special thanks to:

 @Jungshook9597 (for following me)


Tired out!

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