Chaos: the letter.

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Subsequent the note being received, the members of the gang, met up at the spot. "is everything alright?" Namjoon asked Jung Kook, worriedly.

"yeah, it's just. Tae..." Jung kook answered, the moment that name left his mouth, he caught everyone's attention in the collection.

Hoseok exclaimed, "did you find something?"

The most youthful nodded.

"the heck is it about?!" Yoongi nearly cursed.

Jimin looked at Jung Kook, waiting for the news. Jin did the same.

"this ampule. Hyung's mum gave it to me, and I found a few things in it." Jung Kook explained.

"what is it?" Jin questioned.

"letter. A letter. It is directed to us all." The black-haired finder spoke, tears visible in his eyes. "it's his handwriting..."

Yoongi's orbs spilt waterworks, as the rest of the cluster enwrapped each other.

"well..." Jing verbalized, sniffing, "want me to read it out?"

The remaining of the assemblage nodded.

Dear everyone in the infires squad,

If you are reading this now, it is probably either because I have encountered an accident, or we are all having the happily ever after that we earnt. Before we go further, I want you (all of you, including grandfather Yoons.) to be smiling whilst orating this, as you all deserve the greatest happiness.

Jin paused and beheld around him, "hey, guys. Let's try to obey our master's command?"

The others revealed a dim smile and nodded, counting the grandpa.

Now that you did so, I want to express my sincere confession:

Bunny Kook:

If you have been weeping, don't. Didn't you say you were going to be a 'real man'? though, it is never going to be possible, you will never be a 'true man' in my eyes, you will always be my cute little kit. I love your bunny smile, have I ever told you that? You better stay strong, Kook. Also, don't go on your phone without the lights on! It's damn unhealthy for your sight. And you must know that your Hyung will love you no matter what. *Hyungs (I forgot about the others in the troupe.) Happy birthday in advance!


Jung kook beamed slightly at the memo, although he was quite offended by the 'man part'. He relished the 'light' portion. It made him feel cared about.


Don't tell me you cried. Because if you did. You broke your promise. If you did though, I forgive you. It must have been hard to keep on smiling when you felt down, for the clique. So, you did well. The detention incident forget it. I remained with you because I wanted to escape from my fam. Don't be mad at your mother if she talked rubbish about me, as I don't give a damn. As long as you guys know that I am not a bad person, it's enough. Plus, don't bother telling your mum the truth, she doesn't need to know, it's our secret. *wink, wink.

Lots of affection for my sunbeam,


Hoseok smiled at the familiar feeling of his friend's informality. He hated that before, but it is not that corrupt now. He kind of liked it. He loved the adoration in the paragraph.


Sorry, couldn't be bothered to write more gibberish, so you two are adjoined. Firstly, mum, I will eat properly, I will study properly, and I will smile every day.

"you better." Jin uttered, bringing a few laughter in the knot.

So, don't worry. I mean I don't know if I can eat or study after I'm dead, but I'll try. For you. I love you so much, mum. Thank you for being a maternal influence to me. Next, dad. Don't break more stuff and treat mum right. Or else, a beating will be served to your face. And, don't worry, I will forever remember you lot. I doubt I can make more friends that will replace you angels though, when I am dead, but a promise is a promise.

"don't worry, your mum will be admired with tenderness." Namjoon stated before hugging his spouse.

Love from your son,


p.s have a happy marriage!

The couple blushed upon reciting the last sentence.


Grandpa don't smoke. You made a vow with me, so don't smoke. Remember to smile, love and be loved. Let more people in your life. I'm sure that they will be a 100% better than me. *actually no. I'm the best, but they will have at least 25% of my gentleness. Recall, everyday that I'm by your side, although not physically. I will be by your side forever and nothing will change that. And I adore your gummy smile, so don't stop beaming!

Your grandson who will love you for eternity.

Tae. :)

Yoongi smiled his famous gummy smile, after comprehending the letter. "I will try to be rid of smoking, Tae..."

"I will be watching you, so you have to." Commented Hoseok.


Thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you for saving me on the highway that night. Without that, without you, I would not have met you lot. I really appreciate your deed. So, thank you very much. When you pleaded me to leave, it unsettled me, it made me wonder if I have done anything wrong. It made me ponder on whether if you hated me like my family. However, after understanding the reason, it made me stay. And bugging you, became my habit, soon we befriended. It was wonderful being your amity by the way, your cookies just make my day. I love you too much, Chim. Keep on living, smiling, speaking, singing and loving. I'm sure you will find your soulmate that way.

Taetae. <3

At this point, Jimin was barely speaking, however his actions spoke louder than words, his streaming waterworks that would just not halt showed the profound sorrow that he held.  The others felt sympathy for him, but they knew that termo of comfort would not repair his broken heart. So, they chose to stay silent.

The rest of the night went by the blink of eye, sending the six teenagers home. 

In their hearts, there lingered Taehyung and his beautiful smile.


a/n: thanks for 604 reads, i appreciate it very much! this tale is coming to an end, only one more chapter left! T<>T i shall never forget this book! special thanks to those who remained here from the beginning, it means greatly to me! lots of love!

have a laid-back day/night!



Tired out!

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