Chapter 15 [Edited]

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Chapter 15

               He didn't respond to my kiss. I felt his body tense and then he started responding. His hands went to caress my face and I was suddenly pushed against the wall as we both kissed each other with burning hunger, he wanted more, he needed more. He bit my lip causing me to open my mouth and allow him access and I felt him explore my mouth, setting my body on fire. His touch sending spark fly. I was mesmerised, hypnotised he had pulled me into a trance and I couldn't find myself back. His hand gripped my waist as I wrapped my arms securely around his neck both of us afraid to let go, not ready to end this as he pulled me in closer to him and suddenly the clothes that covered us irritated me.

                But as I heard something slam it brought me back to my senses as I pushed him away, breathing heavily and my eyes still closed. Slowly, they fluttered open to reveal his sapphire blue eyes staring back into mine. We didn't say anything for a while until I spoke up.

 "That- that wasn't meant to happen!" I said and he frowned.

 "What wasn't meant to happen?" Colton asked confused.

                 "That- That kiss! It wasn't meant to happen at least not like this." I couldn't control myself, he's a temptation that I have to resist he's our mate we can't restrain ourselves. Sooner or later he will be ours. His wolf will be connected to mine my wolf told me.

              "What are you talking about Katherine? That kiss was amazing. Tell me you felt those sparks when we touched, that your body was set on fire as we kiss and that the space between us irritated you and you wished for nothing else but that the space to be gone," I stared at him wide eyed, that is exactly how I felt.

 "One kiss doesn't change everything"

 "Yes but you can't deny what you felt during it"

 "I-" what was I meant to say? "I'm late for work," yep, great choice of words.

 He stayed silent and continued to give me a stern look, "I'll walk you"

              "I have my own ride," I pushed past him avoiding any contact that would make me lose control of myself and then I walked out of the classroom.

                                                                                            * * *

              "Hey Andy!" I greeted him as I walked into the garage and dropped my bag and jacket on the desk at the side.

 "Hey Kat. You're late" he told me looking away from the paper work that was sprawled on his desk.

 "Sorry. I had detention."

                 He chuckled "why am I not surprised?" I rolled my eyes at him, "anyway a guy came in here saying that you told him you'll check out his car for him."

 I frowned, "What's his name?"

 "Um, Colton?" I sighed and nodded, "his name seems familiar"

 "He's the Alpha of The Midnight Pack, ring any bells?" Yep, Andy is part of The Shadow Pack.

 Andy clenched his jaw, "how about we wreck his car instead?"

 "Who is it that said 'personal matters should not interfere with work'?"

 "I don't know some idiot!"

                  "Well then you must be the biggest idiot alive," Andy rolled his eyes at me but chuckled as I laughed.

 "Yeah, yeah, whatever get to work." I stuck my tongue out at him but got to work.

                                                                                      * * *

 "YOU WHAT?" Alice screamed at me and I almost fell off of my bed.

 "It's no big deal!" I assured her.

                  "No big deal? Kat you do understand that this makes the mate connection even stronger? The pull gets stronger!" I told Alice about the kiss today and to say she was shocked would be an understatement.

 I frowned, "the what now?"

                  Alice sighed and looked at me as if I was dumb, "the mate pull. The pull that literally pulls your wolf and his wolf closer to each other."

 "Why am I the only person who doesn't know anything about this stupid mate stuff?!"

                  "Cause you're stupid!" I narrowed my eyes at her and there was a moments silence "still can't believe you kissed Colton!"

               "WHAT?!" voices screamed from behind my door. I frowned and walked towards door and the boys started pouring into my room and I glared at them slamming the door close.

 "You know it's rude to eavesdrop!" I stated and Chace rolled his eyes at me.

 "You kissed Colton?" He asked and I nodded.

 "You know this affects the mate bond. Makes the pull stronger!" Liam stated and I groaned.

 "Now I do. How does everyone know this but me?"

 "Did you enjoy the kiss?" Logan asked me with a stern look.

 "I-" I didn't know what to say.

 "Katherine, it's a simple question"

             "I- I did." It's the truth I did enjoy the kiss despite the past that was hidden during that moment I had enjoyed every bit of it. Logan nodded and walked out of the room. Why do I feel so guilty? After being interrogated by the boys I went on a Logan hunt and I had completed the hunt after I found him in the garden.

 "Logan?" I called.

             "Yeah?" He turned around to face me and ran his fingers through his curly hair. I sighed and sat besides him.

 "Are you mad at me?"

 He sighed, "no. I just- I don't understand why you would kiss him I mean he hurt you!"

 "I kissed him to calm him down, it wasn't meant to get out of hand."

 "But you liked it?"

               "Of course I did. He's my mate, despite everything we can't deny the connection that our wolf has with each other," he stared at me and I looked into his dark blue eyes, "I know for a fact that I won't be able to hate him forever, when he touches me those sparks and those feelings will still be there because, like I said, he is my mate."

          "Unfortunately that is true," I gave him a small smile which he returned, "how do you feel about him now?"

 "I don't know. I'm confused."

 "So if I was to ask you out would you say yes?" I stared at him wide eyed.


Picture: Cover by 

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