Chapter 25 [Edited]

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  • Dedicated to Chloe, My best friend!

Chapter 25

 Kat's P.O.V

         The sound of the waves crashing on to the shore awoke me, I felt something stir beneath me and I got up. Logan was still asleep on the mat we must have fallen asleep after looking at the stars.

 "Seriously?" I asked Logan whilst laughing.

            Logan laughed with me, "Yep, Mum embarrassed me in front of the whole pack with nude photos of me as a baby."

 I laughed more, "and this was the day when you were becoming the Alpha?"

 Logan nodded as I continued to laugh, "okay, it's not that funny!"

 "Please everyone saw your... dingaling that is pretty funny"

 He raised an eyebrow at me, "my dingaling?"

 I nodded, "Yes"

 "why don't you say pe-" I covered my ears.

 "La, la, la sh," immature I know

                 Logan chuckled, "okay I'll stop," he then sighed as I removed my hands from my ears "you're amazing."

 I shrugged, "I know."


                "I was kidding, thank you," He then leaned closer to me and my eyes widened, oh god what is happening?

           "I've always wanted to do this." He placed his lips on mine, his eyes were closed but mine were open wide. This feels so wrong, this doesn't feel right at all! But nonetheless I kissed him back slowly I didn't want to hurt his feelings I couldn't hurt Logan. He then pulled away and smiled I returned that smile ignoring my wolf's protest about this date she wanted to be with Colton. I laid down on the mat and he copied but not before turning off the lanterns.

        Now that the lanterns were turned off the stars became clearer it gave this 'date' a magical touch but for some reason I didn't feel the magic of this date. I felt like something wasn't right, something was missing, someone was missing.

            Logan groaned as he woke up and ran his fingers through his messy hair, "Morning sleepy head," I said and he smiled.

            "Morning beautiful," Logan said and I smiled, "come on we should head back now. I have tons of Alpha work to do."

            "Well then let's go." He stood up and helped me up, I grabbed my heels and looked around "what about this?"

 "I have someone to clean it up." I nodded and then we walked away.

 *   *   *

         The Pack house was silent, the only noise that could be heard was soft snoring and the T.V that was still on (Liam probably forgot to turn the T.V off again). I tip- toed back into my room, grabbed spare change of clothes and got into the shower. As I stepped out of the shower small chatter could be heard and once I left my room and walked downstairs the house was alive.

          "Hey," I greeted Liam as I walked into the kitchen. Liam was making scrambled eggs, his hair was wet and his eyes quickly glanced from me and then back to his eggs, "can I have scrambled egg?"

 "Sure. How was it yesterday?"

           "It was... good," I didn't know what else to say, the date wasn't terrible but it wasn't amazing. It was good.

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