Chapter 34 [Edited]

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  • Dedicated to To my best friend, Chloe!

Chapter 34

    Jet lag was an understatement. I felt exhausted. The sun was shining by the time the plane landed in London and I hardly got any sleep on the plane, it was uncomfortable. Once I had found my luggage I searched for a familiar face.

       "Katherine?" I heard a timid voice ask from behind me. A warm feeling spread through me at the sound of the voice and I turned around to see Mum. Mum was now two inches shorter than me, her skin was on the more paler side, her blue eyes were wide and glassy and her dark hair had little grey strands.

"Mum?" I asked, I really hope I wasn't hallucinating my mother. It's been years since I've seen her and all I wanted to do was embrace her.

           "I knew it was you! Oh my, look how much you've grown. Your hair is much more darker and longer. You look so beautiful." She quickly embraced me into a familiar jasmine scented hug which I returned. I miss Mum's hug and when her scent invaded my sense I sighed content.

I chuckled with a brim of tears in my eyes. "It's good to see you too Mum. It's been too long! Where's Dad?"

"He's at home he has a cold so I wouldn't let him leave the house. It's so cold isn't it?"

         That's when the cold British weather hit me. Typical British weather. I clutched my jacket closer to me, luckily since I was a werewolf the cold didn't affect me as much. Mum halted a black taxi, she gave the taxi driver an address and we drove home.

       Once we arrived to our small home in a village like area. Mum opened the front door and walked into the living room and I trailed behind her like a lost puppy. There stood Dad. He was taller than me, he hair was short and a dark shade of brown like Mason's but he had a few grey strands. He looked at me and a huge grin took over his face. "Katherine is that you?" He asked.

I nodded, "yeah," I then ran up to him and embraced him in a bear hug. He chuckled and hugged me back tightly.

"Don't you ever run off like that again! We worried so much, we thought we'd never see our little girl ever again." I pulled away from his hug and Mum approached us.

      "Why did you never tell us what was going in the pack? With you and Mason and you and Colton?" Mum asked with concern, "we could have done something. I feel like it's our fault!" I blushed when I heard his name.

       I sighed, "Mum what's done is done and it's not your fault. Look on the bright side, I'm happy and safe and so are you guys! I've missed you guys so much." 

"And we missed you too... now you and Colton?" I rolled my eyes at her but laughed along with Dad. Mum was always keen to hear about our love life. 

"I'll tell you everything," 

        "Don't forget to tell me about Mason's mate, I cannot wait to meet her!" I told them everything from when they first arrived, when me and Alice pranked them, when we discovered Lucy was Mason's mate, mine and Colton's first date (I left out the bit of us mating on the boat I just told them that we accepted each other as mates) and then I told them about all the bad stuff from ruining Chace's love life to Colton's reaction about the baby.

              "Honey, I can tell that you have something special with all of them and I'm sure all will be forgotten and forgiven soon enough. Don't worry. I think that Alice girl should have spoke up about her results. She shouldn't have ruined your life like that," Mum said and I shrugged.

           "Mum you're being dramatic she didn't ruin my life. She was scared I mean, I would be! Besides I got glimpse into the future through this. It just showed how Colton would react if I was to actually be pregnant!"

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