Chapter 23 [Edited]

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Chapter 23

                  His words slowly sunk in as I looked up into his captivating blue eyes, the silence that had enveloped my room showed that Chace and Mason had left. "M- mark me?" I asked stuttering on my words.

            He nodded, "Yes," suddenly the pain shot through my body, as if to show that he needs to mark me. I cried out in pain again as the feeling of my body being set on fire was running through my veins. Colton's eyes darkened and he growled, "I'm marking you."

 I shot out of bed, "no," let him mark us! My wolf told me but my pride wouldn't have it

 "Katherine, you're in pain."

 I clutched my neck and the tears came back yet again, "Colton!"

                His eyes darkened turning slightly black and I knew he was loosing control over his wolf. He pushed me back against the wall, pushed my hair to one side and then he softly kissed the mark that Nick had left behind which caused the pain to subside and a moan to escape my lips. I tilted my head back giving him more access, and then his canines bit into my flesh a shot of pain hit me but then it was replaced by outermost pleasure. It felt as if I was dancing on cloud nine as he growled and pushed himself closer to me, a louder moan escape my mouth and I gripped the end of his hair and it seemed like he couldn't get enough. Colton lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso, his hands gripping my thighs as I moaned Colton's name in pleasure. Then his teeth dug in deeper and I started feeling light headed.

                 "Colton," I moaned, "s- stop." He didn't listen at first but soon enough he pulled away, his eyes darkened by lust and his canines dripping in my blood and that was the last thing I saw before I passed out.

* * * * *

            The sun light was no doubt peeking through my blinds as it hit my eye and caused me to groan. I slowly got up and caressed my neck, tingles shot through my body which caused me to jump slightly and roll of my bed which resulted in me hitting the floor with a thud and a groan, then a chuckle caught my ears. I got up off the floor and saw Chace standing by my door and amused expression on his face. I pouted, sat on my bed and ruffled my bed hair.

             Chace's blonde hair was pulled into a quiff, the sleeves on his green shirt was rolled up showing off his muscles and his brown eyes were shining because of the sunlight. How does someone manage to look good in the morning? Chace walked into my room and stood besides my bed, "sleep well?" He asked me and I nodded, "I should hope so you've been sleeping since yesterday afternoon."

 My eyes widened, "What?" I asked.

 "Yeah, do you remember what happened?"

 "Um, I remember Nick biting me and then I passed out."

 "Oh well you're in for a surprise then."

 I frowned, "what does that mean?"

 "Once you get ready you'll find out,"

 "Hey Chace, how did Nick get into our territory?"

         "He used wolfs bane to take down the guards. Get dressed and come down for breakfast you haven't ate for a while." I nodded and he walked out of my room. I picked out a simple white t- shirt and shorts from my draw. I then made my way into my bathroom and started getting ready for the day. After I had showered and put on my clothes, I started brushing my hair in front of the mirror and that's when I saw it and my eyes widened, "Colton!" I screamed. I walked out of my room and stormed into his room. I instantly regretted that decision.

Persuade me Mr Alpha {Re- editing}Where stories live. Discover now