Chapter 45 [Edited]

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  • Dedicated to All my fans and readers :)

Dedicated to all my fan and readers, without you guys this story is nothing :) x

Chapter 45

      His body fell to the floor with a thud, his skin had slowly turned from a tanned complexion to a pale one and his eyes lifeless. Not lifeless yet but numb all over. Every feeling from his body gone, he'd watch the world around him go on as his body slowly withered away.

        "Nick!" Kayla screamed. She ran to his lifeless body. She picked up his head and rested it on her lap. Nick looked back at his mate and she watched hers. Her eyes were glassy, tears streamed down her face and she looked up at Colton, rage and sadness evident in her eyes, "What did you do to him?"

        Colton glared down at her and her mate. He looked at the dagger and then back at them, "the dagger," he answered breathless, "he's dead... or close enough." He looked around at the people stood before him. Nick's pack didn't know what to do and neither did we. "This is over! This war is over!" He said in his Alpha voice, "Night pack head back to your territory. If I ever catch you around my pack or in my territory than you will face the same punishment as Nicklaus," they all looked at him in anger. I knew they were contemplating on attacking Colton but they were smart enough to realise that they were outnumbered. With reluctance they left. 

          Colton's eyes met mine and I grinned at him, he smiled back at me. I ran to him and embraced him in a tight hug. I heard a thud, the dagger must have dropped, and he stumbled back slightly from the surprise but regained his stability and hugged me back. He ran his fingers through my hair. "It's over," I whispered. My eyes closed in his warm embrace and I inhaled Colton's musky scent.

"Yeah." He whispered as he nuzzled his head into my neck.

I sighed, "I love you Colton." 

         "I love you too Katherine." I felt safe and comforted in his arms. It felt like nothing else mattered when I was being held by him.I felt like I could stay in between his arms forever. It was like I was enveloped in a bliss of happiness but our moment of happiness soon came to an end by one upset mate and a dagger. Colton let out a pained groan into my ears and my eyes shot open. I quickly pulled away. Colton's body dropped with a loud thud on the floor, he fell on his side and I saw that the dagger was stabbed through his back close to his heart. Stood on the other side was Kayla with red puffy eyes, she looked down at Colton and then back at me in shock like she couldn't believe what she had done. Then she ran. My wolf wanted to run after her and rip her head from her body but one look at Colton, her presence was ignored and I knelled down beside him.

      I took the knife out of his back and put him on his back. "C- Colton," I said and nudged him but he didn't move. I lifted his head up and rested it on my knees, I then clutched his face and looked around at everyone who was stood still with tears in my eyes. "Somebody do something!" I cried. Soon enough Chace called for Stephen and he came running to us. I had to be pulled away from Colton by Chace so that Stephen could examine him. "Let go of me!" I cried and struggled in Chace's hold but soon gave up and sobbed into his chest. 

"It'll be okay Katherine," he whispered into my ear reassuringly, "we'll fix this." 

* * * * *

       We were sat in the hospital waiting for news on Colton. This felt like deja vu I just hoped it wasn't bad news again. Stephen came out, he saw my distressed look and approached Logan, "who made this?"

"Damen," Logan answered.

"I need to speak with him,"

       "I've already contacted him through the mind link. He should be here soon," Mason held my hand in his and we waited. Damen arrived to the hospital within ten minutes and Stephen approached him.

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