Chapter 2: The Prophecy

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 Laya was lost. She didn't know how long she had been wandering around this desolate, empty desert, but it felt like forever. She hadn't seen any signs of life. Just an endless wasteland, devoid of any signs of life. So she continued walking. And walking. And walking. Suddenly, a brilliant light appeared off in the distance. Laya started walking towards it. As it got closer, she broke into a full on run. She was finally close enough to see it. She looked... and stopped short. Within the light was a beautiful woman. She had brilliant white hair and eyes, and pale skin. But it was her ears that really made Laya stop. Her ears were pointed... the sign of the fae. The woman's eyes went wide as she looked upon Laya. "Who are you?" she breathed, although from her tone of voice she probably already knew. Laya took a deep breath. She was the future Queen of Bidialita, and she was not afraid of anything. So, she drew herself up to her full height and said, "I am Crown Princess Layamraya Inertaliam Veralata of Bidaliata, heir to the throne. Who are you?" For a minute, the woman was silent, staring at Laya. Finally she spoke.

"So, it's true." she said. "The prophecy has begun." Laya's eyes widened.

"I had a dream about a prophecy. So, it's true?" The woman's eyes widened.

"You mean you don't know?" she asked. "You don't know the story?"

"What story?" The woman took a deep breath.

"Let me tell you how the world was created..." she began, but Laya cut her off.

"Before you start telling me stories," she said, "what's your name?" The woman smiled.

"I'm so sorry," she said, "allow me to introduce myself. I am Oraleena Lumas. But you can call me Ora. Now, Princess," Laya shook her head.

"Call me Laya." Ora nodded.

"Pleasure to meet you, Laya. Now, let me tell you of your destiny."


Arela sighed as she slid off her horse. She hated to admit it, but she really didn't have any idea where she was going. She really should've thought this through. But she'd figure all that out later. Right now she needed water. So she dug her water bottle out of her pack and walked until she found a stream. While filling her bottle, she looked up. When she looked back down, there was a bright light in the stream. The light got brighter and brighter. Suddenly, a woman came bursting out of the stream. Arela screamed and backed away. "Do not be afraid," the woman said. Arela looked closer at the mysterious woman. The woman had white hair pulled back into a tight bun, and had white eyes that were so bright they were almost blinding. And then... Arela saw them. Those pointed ears that marked this woman as no human.

"You're fae," she breathed. "But... you have white eyes, not purple. Who are you?"

"I am Lady Leoraya Lumas, Lady of the Light. And I have come to help you find your sister. Much more is at stake than you realize. If you cannot rescue yourself... the world as you know it will die." Arela stared.

"What..." she sputtered, "who... why... what is going on?" The Lady smiled.

"There is not much time. I cannot explain everything now. So I am sending my son, Orinosto Lumos, to help you on your quest."

"Wait!" Arela cried out. "I still have so many questions! Who has my sister? Where is she? Why is the world at stake?"

Lady Leoraya shook her head. "These and others will be answered. In time." Then she began to glow. She became brighter and brighter, until Arela had to look away. When she looked back, the Lady was gone. Arela walked back to her campsite. When she arrived, she nearly jumped out of her skin. Standing right next to her horse stood a man. He had long white hair pulled into a ponytail, bright white eyes, and pointed ears. The Lady Leoraya had made good on her promise. "You must be Orinosto." she said. "You're not nearly as impressive as your mother. He smirked.

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