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Anchus slipped out of his home. The wood pressed against his tan skin as he walked out of the hidden doorway and into the woods. He felt a presence pushing him out. He walked through the woods, brown ponytail waving in the wind. These were his woods, the woods he'd lived in all his life that he knew like the back of his hand. He took a turn, and stopped. There was a figure. It was clearly female, but cloaked so that he could not recognize her. Perhaps another dryad living in these woods. Then she walked up to him.

"Anchus," she said.

"Who are you?" the woman pulled back her hood. Anchus gasped. It was his best friends betrothed, and the Crown Princess of Bidaliata. "Princess," he said, bowing. Laya laughed.

"Please, Anchus," she said. "You are the best friend of my betrothed. We are well past formalities." Anchus felt a chill at those words, but pushed them aside. He'd long ago accepted it.

"Of course, Laya," he said. "What brings you here?" A flicker of sadness crossed her face.

"Connol." a chill of fear at those words.

"Let's talk inside."


Laya looked around. She'd never been in a tree before. She'd known plenty of dryad's growing up, but she'd never been invited into one's home. It looked much like a cottage, with several bedrooms and a common room with chairs in front of a fire. "Sit," Anchus said briskly. "What's going on with Connol?"

So Laya explained everything to him, her coma, the rescue, Connol's capture. Everything. By the time she was done, Anchus was pale, and his bright green eyes were dark with worry.

"So," he said, "you want me to go rescue Connol? Alone?" Laya shook her head.

"Not alone," she replied. "My brother will accompany you while my sister, Ori, Ora, and I prepare for the coming battle. The war between Light and Dark that will decide the fate of the world." Anchus nodded.

"I will go," he said. "We will all play our parts in this eternal struggle." 'And for the people we love,' he thought to himself. Laya nodded in agreement.

"Thank you," she said. Then she softly added, "please, bring my beloved home." 

Hello readers, Jewfan here. A couple things. First, THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! I know I left off on a cliff hanger, but I promise to start releasing the sequel in the next few weeks. Second, you may have noticed that I left pictures on each chapter. I am going to start a contest. Comment on each chapter who you think the picture is of along with info on a character you would like in this story, and the winners will get to have their character featured. (Please make names along the lines of the ones in the story.) Also, I promise there will be representation of LGBTQ+. I have plans for gays and lesbians in the sequels. I wanted to have some in here, but it just didn't work in the story. JSYK, the sequel will be longer. It was all supposed to be one story, but some school deadlines came up so it didn't work. Thank you all for reading! Please vote, comment, and follow so you don't miss the sequel or my fanfictions. Signing off, Jewfan. 

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