**smut Cyrus [2]

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Your best friend Mackenzie invited you over to her house for a sleepover after school. You're sitting in your last class of the day excited to spend time with you best friend. Yet you're nervous to go to her house, you've had a huge crush on her brother Cyrus for a while.

You were busy daydreaming during the lesson and time flew by before you knew it. The bell rang and you met up with Mackenzie at your locker.

"Hey y/n you ready to go" Mackenzie said perkily.

"Yeah I just need to grab my camera from my locker" you say putting in your combination.

You grab your camera and head out of the school with your best friend. The both of you decided to walk to her house since it was close to the school. Once you walk in you both head into the basement.

"I think Cyrus is down there" she says openings door. You walk down in front of her.

"Hey don't come down here!" Cyrus said as you were halfway down the steps.

"It's just me" you say still walking down.

"Oh uh hey Tyler" you say awkwardly "what are you guys doing?"

"Making t shirts" Cyrus said putting paint onto a shirt.

"What do they say" Mackenzie asks her brother. Tyler hold one up to the both of you.

"Assholes" you read out in more of a question.

"Yeah, the assholes" Cyrus said in remark as he turns around facing you, leaning into the table.

"Why are you guys making shirts that say assholes" Mackenzie asks both of the boys.

"So people know not to fuck with us" Tyler says making sound not so tough.

"Oh so you're just trying to be rebellious teens" you laugh and Cyrus just gives you a stare.

"I'm gonna head to the store and get some snacks for tonight, Tyler want to come with" Mackenzie asks and you bolt your head to look at he furrowing your eyebrows.

"You're leaving me with" you mouth to Mackenzie tilting your head to her brother Cyrus.

Mackenzie just laughs at your action and walks upstairs with Tyler because he agreed to go with her.

"And then there were two" Cyrus said causing you both to awkwardly laugh.

The tension between the both of you was so strong you could cut it with scissors. You both stood in awkward silence until Cyrus speaks up.

"Y/n you play guitar right?" Cyrus asks

"Yeah but I'm not the greatest" you say shrugging.

"How about we go upstairs and we can mess around with this guitar I just bought" He says and walks towards the staircase.

You follow Cyrus upstairs and he leads you into his room. He grabs the guitar and plugs it into an amp.

"What songs can you play" you ask as he sits next to you on his bed with the guitar.

"I can play all kinds" he says and starts to play Can't Stop by the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

"Well shit, that's better than anything I can do" you say slightly laughing.

"Here I'll show you how to play it" Cyrus said handing you the guitar and getting behind you.

He sits on his knees behind you. He grabs your hands and hold them in the place they need to go on the guitar.

"And then just strum" he said and you did so.

You managed to get through the first few cords. Cyrus rested his head on your shoulder and you tried to play.

"You know y/n, I really like you, not like just a friend" he says moving his head to leave a kiss on your neck. You turn so you can give him a kiss on his lips.

"And I like you too Cyrus" you say as you kiss again.

Cyrus laid back onto the bed and you straddled him, not breaking the kiss. He licked your bottom lip and you opened your mouth enough he could slip his tongue in. Fighting for dominance, he won.

He flipped you both over so he was on top of you. You tugged on his shirt indicating to take it off. He quickly pulled his shirt off and he took yours off too. He kissed down your body until he got to where you needed him most.

Cyrus carefully undid your pants and slid them off, leaving you in just your bra and underwear. You reached and undid Cyrus's belt. He unbuttoned his pants and took them off revealing his hard cock that was covered by his boxers. He came back to the bed, straddling you once more.

He left kisses on your neck and sucking every so often. Sucking behind your ear causing you to moan. This encouraged him to keep going. He reached behind you to unhook your bra. Once he unhooked your bra you slid it off and threw it across the room.

Cyrus' hands roamed your body until he reached your womanhood. He rubbed your clit through your soaked panties, making you moan loud.

"Y/n are you sure about this" he asks before he goes any farther.

"Yes Cyrus, keep going" you say moving your hips.

He slides off your panties and throws them with the other clothes in the room. He slides his boxers off letting his erection hang freely. He reaches over to his bedside table to grab a condom.

You take the condom from his hand and tear it open. You slide it on his large erect penis, receiving a moan from Cyrus.

"Mmmmh you ready babe" Cyrus says with a deep growl. You shake your head in response.

Cyrus slides himself into you and you wince in slight pain. He stays so you can adjust to him, and he slowly starts thrusting in and out. As he pick up his pace, you both become moaning messes. His thrusts because sloppy indicating he's close.

Cyrus reaches his high and you follow. You both moan out loud. If anyone was home they would've heard everything. Cyrus pulls out, disposing of the condom.

You both heard creaking on the steps and looked at each other. You both got up and got dressed and headed downstairs.

"Oohh Cyrus" Tyler moaned out to mess with you guys.

"Shut up Tyler" you said red in the face and laughing in embarrassment.

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