Clay x Skye **smut

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(Clays POV)

I was laying in bed starring the ceiling when my phone starts going off. I reach over and grab it it's a text from Skye.

Skye: I don't want to be alone anymore. I want you here with me.

Clay: I'm on my way right now

I text back as I get up from my bed. Skye has had some incidents with self harm, so whenever she texts me I always go to be by her side to help. I run downstairs and grab my car keys not caring if my mom hears me.

I run to the car and start the engine and get going. Shortly I arrive at Skye's house because she doesn't live too far away. I turn off the car, leaving the keys in the ignition and run up to the door.

I knock instead of barging in case her mom is home. A few moments after I knock, I'm pulled into the house.

"Thank you for coming" Skye says giving me a hug.

"You know I'll always come over when you need me" I say kissing her forehead.

Skye tilts her head up and kisses me on the lips with passion. I kiss back as she holds the back of my neck with one hand and the other placed on my chest. Slowly I back her up against the wall and kiss her with more passion.

I move my head to the side to kiss her neck. I kiss her neck roughly and tug on the skin, leaving a mark. Skye released a moan and I kept going, making my way back up to her lips.

"C-clay I need you" She moaned out as we made our way to her bedroom.

(Skye's POV)

"C-clay I need you" I moaned out in pleasure as he left love bites on any bit of revealed skin.

As I said that we made our way to my bedroom. Once we walked in, Clay slammed the door shut and pushed me back onto the bed. Quickly he removed his shirt and I removed mine.

He placed his body in between my legs and placed his hands on my breasts kneading them. The pleasure caused me to moan as he kept a going.

I reached my hand down and palmed Clay's growing erection through his jeans, he let out a low moan. He undid his belt and took of his pants, leaving him in just his boxers. Precum spilling out onto his boxers.

"Are you sure you wants this" he says asking before going any farther. I nodded giving him permission and he reached behind me removing my bra. Then reaching down and taking off my leggings, leaving me in just panties.

"God you're beautiful" he says leaving kisses from my breast down to where I need him most.

"Mmmm Clay" I moan out as a wriggle my hips.

Clay stands up and grabs a condom. He comes back over to the bed taking off his boxers letting his erection hang freely. Slowly he slides on the condom. He places his hands on my waist and pulls down my panties in one swift motion.

Carefully he trusts into me staying still to let me adjust. I tell him to move and his pace picks up. The both of us becoming a moaning mess.

"Oh Skye. Mmmhh baby" Clay moans out, turning me on even more.

"Clay i-i mmmhh I'm close" I moan out in pleasure.

"Me too baby" he moans out.

(Clay's POV)

"Oh Skye, Mmmhh baby" I moan out as my thrusts begin to become sloppy.

"Clay i-i mmmhh I'm close" Skye moaned out as I felt her getting tight around my cock.

"Me too baby" I moaned out.

Shortly after we both reached our climax resulting in porn like moans.

Hope you enjoyed this xx it's not something I usually do but I actually enjoyed writing character x character

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