Genetics - Prologue (Sci-fi/Romance)

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It's my first story in wattpad, I'm an aspiring writer as I've been involved in the literary arts since junior high. I'm in high school now and a friend suggested to me to try wattpadd and see the feedback people were giving. Personally I love all genres of writing, even romance and sci-fi two of which I am very weak at, and I just hope I can get some honest constructive critisism to improve. Enjoy the prologue.


The year is 2120.

Lord Riffs - Emperor of the Neire's, overlooked the god forsaken land once inhabited by humans. The thought of the race that had shunned his races' existance during years past made him spit on the very land they once owned.

Now he ruled.

Neire's, being a race of war and destruction, would send signs to a planet, to see if they would strengthen their defenses. They would be punished otherwise. Much like the humans have been.

He remembered how the land was green, when buildings towered, so close to the sky appear to touch the clouds. How delicious it felt to watch it all burn and die. The ground was red and dry, cracks ran across the ground, tales of battles won and lost. He smirked at the thought. Ever since the invasion they have never lost ground, never retreated. There had been no need to. The humans were caught off guard, and by the time they regrouped, it was too late. Once the Neire have a foothold, they weren't going to let it slip.

The thought of all the glorious victories and success made him salivate. He was so close, there was only one thing standing in between him and revenge. one city left standing.

'New Hope'

10 years ago, the humans found a species they called, a 'Genetic', which managed to give them firm footing in the city of New Hope. The creature had invented an impenetrable shield, an unforgiving defense mechanism, and built the city with its bare hands. Our attacks have been halted for 5 years when we decided to regroup. The humans have become more confident since then, reproducing more and expanding into slums outside that semi-sphere fortress. Scouts have tried to wreak havoc, but even the outcasted humans, who can only be described as slum filth, had their own defenses. Though not as impenetrable, able to stop a small group of scouts.

As he went over to his monitor, activating it to reveal several videos of direct feed from all around the main base, he tapped on the one showing the training grounds. He smiled as he saw that his allies were practicing hard. He had to use quite a sum of Orides, which was the universal currency, but knowing these assassins' abilities, he knew he was making the right choice. His scientists' have discovered several new Genetics, but all of them are usually recruited quickly to support the original. However, one was outside of their control.

One was slum filth.

He looked again at the assassins known only as Argents', training vigorously. He knew this time he was going to finish the job.

The time for the humans, is done.


Please comment and tell me what you think of my writing as I do enjoy criticism as it helps me grow as a writer. I know its a tad bit short compared to other stories on this site, but I'm new and still learning so bare with me. Thanks in advance.

Genetics - Book One : City of New HopeWhere stories live. Discover now