I'm sorry... (Angst)

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Prompt: "I thought you meant for this to happen!" "I didn't and we're going to die."

Keith's face went as white as a ghost as he stared at Lance. The very same Lance who said that he came up with a plan. The Lance that told Keith to just follow him. The Lance who wanted to go home to his family. That was the Lance who got them into this mess.

He turned away and took his knife out. He couldn't stand to look at him.

"Keith..." Lance started, but was cut off.

"You said you had a plan," he spat venoumously.

"Listen, I'm sorry but just listen to me for a sec-"

"Listen to you?! For the love of God, Lance, I've been listening to you! That's why we're here!"

"Keith, I'm sorry I just..." Lance trailed off.

"What? You didn't plan this? I thought you had a plan! I thought you meant for this to happen!" Keith shouted.

"Well I didn't and we're going to die," Lance spat.

They stared at eachother for a moment and then turned back to the army surrounding them. The Red Lion had been captured and they were hopelessly outnumbered. They were, for all intents and purposes, dead men walking.

Keith spotted other Blade members sneaking out of the top deck, and they just shook their heads at him. He knew that they couldn't save him. It would be suicide to even try.

Haggar laughed. "I knew it would come to this. We win. Your comrades are locked away and you're surrounded. The lions are ours. There is no escape. We've won."

Keith saw Lance grip his sword tighter in his hand. Surely he wasn't going to attempt to fight. It was hopeless. There was no way out, Haggar was right. So what was he doing?

"We will win," he said simply.

"You stupid boy," Haggar sneered. "Do you honestly think that you can win? It's two against a hoarde. You can't win."

Keith looked down. Then he heard static in his ear.

"Keith, we're coming," a voice said. Then the earpiece shut off again. Keith knew that this would either be his death or his salvation, and that gave him the strength to fight. Who was going to fight for someone who wouldn't fight for themself?

He turned to Lance and gave him a subtle nod. Lance looked at him inquiringly but his focus was already drawn to the hand holding up five on the deck. Obviously Lance had seen it too, so he counted in his head.


He charged on one and Lance had the same idea. They fought through the army just as another army came down to join them, including the other members of Voltron.

'This is it. We're safe.' Were Keith's thoughts just before he heard a blood-curdling scream. He fought his way through a bunch of aliens before he saw it. Lance with a sword passed clean through his body.

"Lance..." He whispered as he went to cradle the boy in his arms, just as he had done all those missions ago.

"Keith..." Lance replied with tears in his eyes.

"You're gonna be alright. Just," Keith took a deep breath. "Just don't close your eyes."

He could see that Lance was struggling with every breath he took and hoped that the battle would be over soon so that he could get help. He took his hood off and pressed it over the wound, careful not to move the sword.

"Keith..." Lance repeated.

"Shh, don't talk. It'll be okay. Just don't talk," Keith comforted him. He pressed the cloth firmly to the wound as Lance's eyes began to drift shut. "Lance, don't. Don't do this."

Lance smiled apologetically at him with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he said on his final breath.

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