What if...

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Lance had a lot of what if's.

What if he'd never been rejected by Allura? What if he'd never found the blue lion? What if he'd never joined the Garrison?

What if Keith actually liked him back?

He had been craving the boy for months. Seeing how he carried himself now that he wasn't hot headed all the time. He was the epitome of beauty in Lance's eyes. Although, Lance supposed, his sense of beauty was a bit warped.

Anywho, Lance thought that Keith was amazing. In fact, he was staring at the raven haired boy right now while writing this list of what if's. He was training shirtless and Lance could see the markings up and down his torso indicating his galra heritage. He fought like he was preforming a dance. Like he was doing a series of fouette turns and fan kicks; like he was a lion ready to strike at any moment.

Lance sighed and rolled his eyes, leaving the training arena and heading back to his room. He wanted to wallow in self-pity for a few minutes (hours) before going back out to argue with Keith. He couldn't just stop, even when he realized his feelings. It would be too suspicious and then everyone would know.

He heard a knock on his door and opened it to find Keith standing there, blushing.

"I thought you might want this," he said, handing him a slip of paper.

Lance raised an eyebrow but read the paper anyway.

What if I'd never been rejected by Allura.

Oh shit. The only way for Keith to have known that this was his was if he'd read it. Which means he read:

What if Keith liked me back?

His eyes widened and he tried to shut the door but Keith's foot was in the way.

"Here to make fun of me, Keith?" he snarled. "Well, why don't you just leave me alone?"

Keith grabbed his arm and stopped his struggling. He yanked him closer until they were chest to chest and gave him a hard stare. Then he kissed him.

He... he kissed Lance.

Lance looped his arms around his neck and tangled them in his hair as Keith cradled Lance's face with one hand and rested the other on the taller boy's hip. Lance doesn't know how long they kissed, but when they separated, Keith's lips were swollen and his face and neck were flushed.

"It's not a 'what if'," he said softly. "I do like you."

Lance smiled and kissed him again. That list was going in the trash.

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