Chapter 7

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“(M/n). Are you awake now?” Kasumi gently woke the pup, who yawn a bit before laying back down. The kind hearted female only giggle at the puppy's action since it was so adorable, especially since he is in his true form. “Come on, (M/n). It's time to eat. Also Akane and Ranma might leave you-” the brunette didn't need to continue, because the pup was out of room in a flash and was sitting next to the stairwell, since he wasn't allowed to go down the stairs by himself because of how small his puppy form was.

Kasumi exited the room, before picking the Pup up and carry him down the stairs. Once the brunette had reach the last step, she set the pup down and watch in amusement, as (M/n) rush into the room, with the others still eating.

Within seconds of the (h/c) fur animal running into the room, Ranma was feeding him, while Akane went into the kitchen to grab a cup of water to splash on the Pup. 'Food is love! Food is life! But Kasumi was the one who made the Kasumi is GOD!!!’ (M/n) thought with a doggie grin, while crewing on the wonderful bacon in his mouth, before a splash of water interrupted his thoughts. The (h/c)ette shook his hair to get rid of the water, before grabbing his own bowl of food and continue eating, barely listening to anyone else. “By the way, Akane. On your way home from school. Could you stop by Dr. Tofu’s?” Kasumi started as she put some more rice into (M/n)'s bowl, causing him to cheer, distracting her from noticing her sister's discomfort.

“I borrowed this book from him. And I’d like you to return it,” the brunette smile at her sister as she show her the book as if to prove to the blunette that this is the truth. “Could….do it yourself, Kasumi? Today' not too good for me,” Akane uttered out as she look down at the floor, causing Ranma to look at her with curiosity in his eyes. “Really? Well, I guess I'll have to,” Kasumi said with a smile on her face, as she once again gave (M/n) extras.

“Ooh! We're going to Dr. Tofu’s place?! Are we? Are we!?” The Pup finally joined the conversation, only to not get his answer, because Akane grab Ranma by the hair and dragged him to school, leaving the (h/c)ette behind. “Oh my,” Kasumi said, as she glance at the Pup, who started to pout, once he realized after a few minutes that they left him.

“So mean…she took Master away and left me behind….” (M/n) mumbled as tears gather around his eyes, before blinking them away, when Kasumi asked if he wanted to go visit Dr. Tofu with her, after he gets out of school. “Mmm...Okay!!!” The Pup beams at the female, before he quickly stood up and ran out of the house and towards the school.

The (h/c)ette made it through the gate in record time, just as the males of each club, who fought Akane so they can date her, were telling the said female to tell Ranma, that he was a lucky man and they'll back off from chasing after her. “Akane!!! You're a big meanie!! You take Master to school, but leave me!!!” (M/n) whine as he walk towards the bluette and red head, ignoring the stares from the ex-Akane fanboys.

Before Akane could apologise, the Pup was surrounded by the males in seconds. “(M/n)! Please go on a date with me!!!”

“Don't listen to that baseball idiot! Go on a date with me! I'll make sure to show you a great time!!!”

“(M/n), I got some tickets to a movie and was wondering if you want to go with me!!!”

“Bastard! How dare you take my idea!”

 Then chaos broke out among the fanboys, as all of them attempt to get closer to the Pup, who was getting confused with all the noise. Before (M/n) could say anything, the fanboys begin to drop like flies and within seconds, Akane and Ranma were in front of him, trying to catch their breath. 'Master look kind of cute in his female form….but he’ll look even cuter when he's back to normal!’ the Pup smile at his thought, as Ranma pulled him into the school by hand.

Timeskip to gym class

(M/n) tilt his head to the side in confusion on what the teacher was scolding him about. “For the last time, you do not catch, pick up, nor give someone a softball with your mouth. For it is not normal nor is it clean. And to add on to that that, the girls are playing softball, the boys will play this next week. So please, Mr. Saotome, go back to the boys side and do the exercise,” the gym teacher sighed as he wave the cursed pup off.

The Pup only hums in response, before walking towards his Master, who just landed back on the ground after showing off his skills. Before (M/n) could talk to Ranma, he was force, by the teacher who called out to him a few times, to do the task that the blackette had done. 'Humans are so weird. But I like them anyway,’ the (h/c)ette thought as he start to swing himself back and forth on the bar, before finally doing a spin and another and another, and more after that. The (h/c)ette started doing tricks on the bar, like doing one handed or no hand, Don't ask me, I’m just here to make you guys look cool, before finally letting go of the bar and doing a triple flip a few seconds before he land on the ground.

While the Pup was doing his tricks, two boys were asking Ranma if he done it with Akane, or how he was lucky to be able to get engaged to her. “With a dorky chick like that?! Yeah right,” Ranma said, as he turn his head so he can see what (M/n) was doing.

“Master! Are you okay?!” the (h/c)ette ran to the blackette and hug the cursed male, after a softball hit Ranma in the face. “Oops,” Akane muttered, as she slowly hid the bat behind her back.

Yay it's summer!!!....please don't kill me. Laziness wanted to stay at my house for a while you know....I promise you guys new chapters for each book and new stories so please, don't throw any weapon just yet!!! I'll start on them now, so laters!!!! -runs away to start on them-

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