5 bottle spins.

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"Ok! my party my spin first!" shouted cocoa, "who ever this lands on has to punch there partner!"

cocoa spun the bottle and It landed on creampuff. creampuff raised her hand as she whispered 'sorry' to moon rabbit. she then softly punched her. moon rabbit showed no sign of hurt instead she looked at creampuff confused.

"my turn now" said creampuff, "who ever this lands on has to... um... try play mints violin!"

creampuff spun the bottle and it landed on cheerleader.

"oh god."

mint choco passed his violin to cheerleader as she even struggles to hold it right. she put the stick in the violin as it squeaked lots. SCREECH SCREEEEECH. mint took the violin of cheerleader. as everyones ears tingled.

"welp, my turn!" cried cheerleader, "who ever this lands on has to say 'Peppermint sucks' as she is not here!"

cheerleader spins the bottle and it lands on herb. herb took a sigh, then a deep breath until finally shouting.

"PEPPERMINT SUCKS!" he screams, "my turn now, who ever this lands on has to tell a secret but its there least secretive one, just to be nice"

herb spun the bottle and it lands on orange.

"oh um ok," orange says, "um, ummmmmm... I like badminton better than tennis but im good at tennis so I play it more often"

"wow, never knew that," said herb.

"me either" said yoga.

"well, who ever this lands on has to um, bake a cake!" cries orange, "just hope its not cocoa"

"HEY!" shouts cocoa, "everyone loved my cake last time!"

"sure did..." whispers orange.

orange spins the bottle as it land on- oh god- cocoa. cocoa puts her hand in the air as she screams; 'YAY!' cocoa runs into the kitchen and starts making a racket.

"oh no..." says orange.

"Not again..." whimpers kumiho.

"just say its nice.... just hope she does not tell me to try it..." says creampuff.

"oh god, last time I hurled after cocoa left" says herb.

cocoa walks in with her cakes and gives everyone a piece of her cocoa cake.

most people shivered while eating it.

cocoa left to get some new clothes on since she made them dirty from baking.

"blargh!" cries whipped cream.

"urgh," complains werewolf, "tastes burnt! and cocoa frosting? yuck"

"I want to throw this cake up!" cries creampuff.

"im not asking cocoa to bake again, I will just ask her to cook" says yoga.

"worst cake ever!" says kumiho.

"my eyes are watering from this!" cries herb.

"tastes not the worst" shouts moon rabbit.

"ew" says bright.

"want to hurl, need to herl" says strawberry.

"too burnt!!" says mint, spitting the cake into the bin.

"well I will just throw it in the outside bin" suggested rockstar.

"GROSSS!" cries cheerleader.

"add a little this and! poof! should taste nice now!" says alchemist, taking a bit, "mmmmmm~"

"I need water! or milk! or a drink!!" shouts princess.

"it tastes burnt and it feels hot..." whispers snow sugar.

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