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"Bonnie!" Matthew called making his way towards the girl his arms outstretched. She exited her car and embraced the man in front of her. This was the most she's ever touched him, so she was obviously feeling giddy.

"Your sweet tea, as requested" Bonnie said handing Mat the tea.

"Thank you!" He replied leading her into the house. She wasn't expecting this, she kind of just expected a drop off and go.

"Did you find the place easily?" He asked closing the door behind them.

"Yeah, just assumed id be heading towards he biggest house" Bonnie joked which earned a chuckle from Mat.

"Oh I can't forget your jeans" The girl exclaimed quickly pulling them out of the large tote bag she had over her shoulder. Mat took them and held them out to admire. "These are so dope, thank you so much"

"It's my pleasure, any time"

"Can I get you a drink of water? Another coffee maybe?" Mat asked walking towards what Bonnie assumed was the kitchen. The house was so large each room was separated, very different from her small open plan apartment.

"I really shouldn't" Bonnie answered. She felt like she was intruding, stepping over a professional boundary that she needed to keep.

"I had been thinking, you know when we briefly spoke about a second date?"

Bonnie nodded, knowing exactly what he was talking about. It had been on her mind since that night.

"Yeah, I do" She answered.

"Did you want to come to the award show after party with me?" Ill be sporting the outfit and I want to show off the beautiful artist behind it." He offered giving the girl a wink.

"I don't think I have time" Bonnie said making up an excuse to turn him down, going to a party with Mat where there's people and cameras and the internet, rumors would spread, and Bonnie would get attacked.

"Its tomorrow night, please? It would mean the world to me, and ill talk you up so much to my friends, they will all want you to customize something for them."

"I have nothing to wear, like honestly"

More excuses.

"If that's how you're going to be ill sort you out and be over by 5, sound good?" The man smiled, being fully aware that he cornered Bonnie there. "I promise you will have a good time" Mat continued.

Finally she gave in, not being able to say no to the man she was dangerously getting attached to. She felt her inability to control herself with him would eventually be a mistake.

"Okay, but only because you said it would mean a lot to you"

Mat's smile grew, "I knew you couldn't resist" He replied.

They headed back towards the front door. "So, my place at 5?" Bonnie confirmed receiving a nod from Mat.

"You don't need to do anything but greet me with that beautiful smile of yours."

Bonnie was quick to walk through the door once Mat had opened it.

"Ill see you tomorrow then" She said looking back at the man to give him a small wave and hopped in her car, thankful that it was far away from the door and the windows were tinted so he could no longer see her as she shakily made her way out of his driveway.

Another date, and it was exactly what she wanted but knew she didn't need.


lol i'm sorry i haven't updated. I was focusing on my other story for a while and then i went away for a week and came back with no drive to write. I did whip this up though but it didn't go as planned bc i started writing before i left and just couldn't remember where i was going with it. But like, exciting stuff next chapter ??? 

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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