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I reached Mrs. S's house and I was about to knock on the door when I saw the lock on her front door. Dammit. I decided to go to Zoe's house because she lives the closest. I started my walk to her house and within a few minutes I was there. I knocked on her door. A few minutes later she opened up. "Hey Crys" she greeted me while giving me a hug. I hugged her back and then we seperated. "come on in" she said and I got inside. "so vas happenin'" she asked me while we sat in her living room. I told her what happened, well except for that 'click' incident.

"oh no worries you can stay here for a while" he said smiling. At that moment my phone rang and I saw that it was mom. I picked it up. "hello mom" I said after picking it up. "hey Crys I saw your missed call. Is everything okay" she asked me. "actually I just wanted to tell you that I will be staying at Zoe's till you return because the house is locked and I can't find the spare key" I told her. "that's strange where could have the key gone" she asked confused. "Crys are you sure it wasn't there, maybe you had taken it and forgot to keep it back the last time you used it" she asked me

"yes mom I checked properly and the key wasn't there and no I remember I kept it back under the door mat the last time I used it" I replied. "ok we will get another one when I come back. You may stay at Zoey's place for now. Take care sweetie" she said "Thanks mom bye" I replied and I ended the call. Later on I got a call from Sally saying that the bakery will be closed for today since she has some personal business to handle. Zoe also had her off today and it couldn't get any better. We both watched movies the whole day with popcorn. The time seemed to pass by in a blur because soon it was 6 in the evening. We both decided to take a walk in the nearby park since the weather was so good. We walked in the park for a while and then we decided to go back home since it was starting to get dark. We reached home, had dinner and then we went to sleep.

The next day I woke up and got ready for school. I had to borrow Zoe's clothes since I didn't have mine and she was fine with that. We ate breakfast with a light conversation and then drove off to school in her car.

Me and my friends were standing in the hallway, talking to each other while waiting for our classes to start when we heard a announcement through the intercom

"all the students are requested to gather in the hall for a special assembly immediately"

we heard the voice of our principal and then the speaker went off. We started making our way towards the hall while discussing about what the special assembly could be about. We reached the hall and sat and soon everyone was settled. Our principal arrived after a few minutes and then she addressed all of us. "Good morning students"

"As you all know we have gathered here for a special assembly. Our school is organizing a student exchange programme. As you all are aware our school conducts this programme every year and this year we have coordinated it with one of the schools from UK." she said." But this year the exchange students will not be staying with any of our school students as they will be provided with seperate arrangements. They are arriving in 5 days. There are 5 of them and they will be assigned their classes according to their desired subjects. I hope you all will be good friends with them and help them have a memorable time here at our school" she concluded. The assembly was dismissed and we all were walking to our classes.

"There is a chance that one of them will be in one of our classes" Sarah said and we all nodded. We all were about to part ways when we noticed Tyler and the others were standing at the lockers looking very tense. Well let me tell you me and my friends are not the ones who like to know everyone's secret but they all were looking really very tense which made all of us worry about them.We didn't want to provoke them even more so we didn't ask them directly and instead we decided to overhear their conversation. Yeah I know eavesdropping is bad but we wanted to know what was making them so worried. We hid behind the wall which was connecting the locker area and the classroom corridor. "guys we don't have time" Zayn said. He sounded very frustrated. "don't worry we won't let them touch any of them" Tyler said. He was sounding a little calm but he was definitely angry. "Do you even realise how powerful they are!" Mason screamed frustrated and he punched the wall we were hiding behind. We all flinched at the impact. Damn! what is happening.

Suddenly there was a long silence. They weren't saying anything. I decided to peek out a little to see what is happening As soon as I peeked out I saw Tyler leaning against the wall while everyone else was standing there staring in our direction. I hid behind the wall as fast as I could but I am sure they saw me. "what happened?" Zoey whispered to me. "shall we do the honor of telling you" we heard someone say. We turned peeked to the side, to see the boys standing there, staring at us. We all looked away in embarrassment. I was about to say something. "save it" Tyler said clearly sounding annoyed. We were going to apologize but the bell rang announcing the start of the school. They all went without a word and we all just stood there. Embarrassed. "we shouldn't have done that" Ashley said and we all nodded."we will apologize to them during the class" Zoey said "but it will be hard to give an explanation" I said.

Hey guys! So this was chapter 12. I hope you enjoyed it...
Bye! ❤

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