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I woke up the next day to the sound of birds chirping outside of the window and sunlight illuminating my room. I sat up on the bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I turned my head to look at the wall clock to to see it was 8:30 in the morning. l sighed. I got out of bed and went over to the closet. I decided to wear a black top with black jeans and white flats. It makes me really uncomfortable seeing that all the clothes here are of my size. It's really unsettling that they know everything about us but we don't know anything about them, apart from their names. I shook my head, kicking all of these thoughts out of my mind. I grabbed my clothes and a towel and entered the bathroom.

It was awfully quite around me as I walked down the stairs and into the main hall. "Good morning Ma'am" I jumped and turned around to see the same girl from before. "I apologize I didn't meant to scare you" she said in a apologetic voice. "It's ok and please you don't need to call me Ma'am. You can call me Crystal" I said. She didn't need to be so formal. We were almost of same age. "ok Ma-Crystal" she said and I chuckled slightly. "where are they?" I asked her and she immediately understood who I was referring to. "Sirs have gone to do some shopping for you all since tomorrow is the ceremony" she said and my eyes widened. Oh shit! I totally forget about it!. "do you want me to get you something to eat?" she asked me politely. I shook my head "No I'm good thanks for asking though" I replied with a smile and she smiled back. She turned around and started to walk away when something fell out of her pocket and dropped on the floor. She didn't notice. I picked it up from the floor and when I looked up to call after her, she was already gone. I looked back down to see it was a photo. A cute family photo. There was a women, a man and two small children, around the age of 11 or 12. It was a boy and a girl and the girl looked a year or two older than the boy. All of them were smiling brightly. A smile automatically made it's way upto my face.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming towards me. I looked upwards to see the girl looking towards the floor, her eyes frantically searching for something. I obviously knew what it was. "I think you're looking for this" I said as I gave her the photograph. Her eyes widened and she literally snatched the photo from my hands, even though I knew she didn't meant to. "thank god I thought I lost it" she whispered almost crying. I looked at her concerned as she held the photo close to herself. "hey it's ok if you wanna talk about it" I said calmly. She looked upto me with tears brimming her eyes. "I've never really talked to someone about this" she whispered putting her head down. I pulled her into a hug and she hugged me back. I felt like she needed it very much. "It's completely fine if you don't wanna talk about it now but remember that if you ever need someone to turn to, you can always come up to me or my friends" I said giving her a smile. She gave me a grateful smile back and walked away.

I decided to take a walk outside. I haven't the seen the outside even once. None of them are here anyway so I might as well grab this opportunity. I started looking for a way out. I have seen the outside garden from my room's window but I don't know which door would lead me to it. As I was searching, my eyes fell upon a door a few steps ahead of me. It was slightly ajar. I started walking towards the door, hoping it would lead me to a garden. Upon reaching the door, I pushed it open and in front of me was a beautiful garden. It was as beautiful as it looked from the window of my room.

It was huge! It covered a vast area and it was in a circular shape which was surrounded by forest from the border, which continued further deep. The forest beckoned me to make a run for it but I couldn't leave my friends behind, and even if I did run, where would I go?. I sighed and looked around the garden. I saw a fountain right in the middle of the garden and I decided to sit by it. As I sat there, surrounded by bright sunlight and green grash, my mind wandered off to Tyler and others. What would have happened after we left? Did the Lycans come back to torture them? Did they heal? Are they ok?! All of these questions swirled around in my head making me both scared and angry. I looked around, trying to calm myself down and it helped. Nature always helped me to calm down.
I just pray that all of us get out of this alive. Together.

Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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