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"ok so here's what we gonna do" Zoe said. "Tonight exactly at 12am, all of us will come out of our rooms and go down to the main hall. Rose and Ashley do you guys know where the main electric switch of the mansion is?" Zoe asked looking at us."yes I know where it is" Ashley said nodding. "great so you guys will go over to the main switch and turn it off and immediately run back to your rooms. Don't think about anything else." Zoey continued and me and Ash nodded. "ok guys now here comes our part" Zoe said looking towards Crys and Sarah. "As soon as we come out of our rooms we will go to that metal door once again" She said and both of them nodded. "and as soon as the electricity goes off we will enter the room and search through it as fast as we can" Zoey said explaining. "don't you think it's a little risky" Sarah said nervously. "but this is the only way we can do it" Crystal said agreeing with Zoey. All of us nodded and she continued. "As soon as we are done searching the room we will rush back to the our rooms" Zoey said finishing, sounding nervous at the end.

After that all of us just sat in each other's company, and before we knew it, it was time for bed. All the girls left for their rooms. I was sitting on the bed, thinking about everything when suddenly door to my room opened and in came Liam

oh well this isn't really a good time...


"Hey Angel" Ethan said as he came inside my room. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes over that nickname. "Hey Ethan" I said. "my name sounds so good when you say it" he said and I forced a smile. Angering him wouldn't be a good option right now. Not after we are so close to finding our friends. "when did you guys return?" I asked him. "just a while ago. I just wanted to see you before I went to sleep" he said now sitting on the bed in front of me. I gave him a small yet an awkward smile. Both of us were just sitting there, silently. He kept staring at me, without even blinking and I was constantly looking around the room, trying to avoid eye contact.

Suddenly my eyes shifted over to the clock which was hanging on the wall to see it was almost 11pm. "uhh I think I should head off to bed" I said looking at him. He looked up at the clock and nodded. "yeah...yeah sure" he said while getting up. "you need as much rest as possible" He said with a slight smirk. He was trying to hide it but it was clear he was smirking. What does he mean by that?. Before I could say even a single word, he walked out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I kept repeating his last sentence inside my head when it suddenly struck me. The marking ritual. My eyes widened in fear and my breathing became erratic. I shook my head slightly in an attempt to calm myself. I have to stay focused on our plan.

I looked up to see I had only 45 mins left. I decided to lay down in the bed and turn off the lights of the room, just in case Ethan decides to check on me like he has been doing every night since I have been here. I turned off the lights and laid down on the bed. It's not like I will sleep anyway, not untill I know what's inside that room. I grabbed my phone and set the alarm of 12am and put it on vibrate mode. Placing it on the bedside table next me, I decided to close my eyes and get a little rest

As soon as I closed my eyes, Tyler's face flashed before me. He was smiling. It was the same smile he gave me when we first met. A smile made it's way to my face. His face was still clear before me with that damn smile!. Before I could think anything further I felt my phone vibrating and my eyes flew open. I switched off my phone and looked towards the door. He didn't came today?. He usually comes around this time. I slowly sat up, my eyes fixed on the door. Should I take the risk?. What if I open the door to go out and he comes?. We can't let them know!. My heartbeat started increasing and I was suddenly feeling really nervous. I took a deep breath in and released it slowly. I must do it.

I got up from my bed and placed my phone in my jeans pocket. I took slow, silent steps towards the door. My eyes had already adjusted to the dark and so everything was a bit clearer. I switched my phone back on. I opened the door as silently as possible and got out. I closed it without a sound. I was standing in the corridor now, the minimal light of my phone screen being my only sorce. The mansion was drowning in silence. I turned around to make sure I was alone when my heart almost came out of my chest. There was a person standing just a few metres away from me. I could make an outline and as far as I can judge, they had their back to me. My heart rate was beyond fast and I was frozen in place. Suddenly the person turned around and I could feel their eyes on me. "Crystal is that you?" I heard the person whisper and I took a huge breath of relief. It was Zoe. I clutched my chest, taking deep breaths.

"hey are you ok?" she whispered coming closer to me. "yeah" I whispered back. My first thoughts were that it was one of them. Stupid me. I should've noticed the person's height and built before panicking. "where are the others?" I asked her. "they will be here any minute" she whispered back and I nodded

I just wish everything goes in our favour.

Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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