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Oh god! Ashley and Rose were still upstairs in the hall. As I realised this I turned my head to look at Sarah and Crystal to see they had the same look on their faces. Without thinking anything else, all three of us rushed towards the staircase and started running upstairs like our life depends on it. I could hear Zayn and the others were also running behind us. We soon reached the entrance (the metal door) and we ran through the corridor. When we entered the main hall what we saw made us freeze. Ashley and Rose were being held by Ethan, Derek and Liam, and all three of them were looking at me, Sarah and Crystal with pure rage in their eyes. Seeing this Tyler and others came in front of me, Sarah and Crystal, in a protective manner.

Suddenly Ethan, Derek and Liam started laughing, like we told them something really funny. "look who finally decided to heal after such a looong time" Liam said and his voice was really hurting my ears. "I thought these weaklings would never heal" Derek said smirking and oh how desperately I wanted slap that smirk off of his face. "let go of our friends" Crystal said in a threatening manner even though she knew that she was no competition to the Lycans but when it comes to her friends and family, she becomes very protective. Heck we all do. "sure dear" Ethan said smirking and then they let go of Rose and Ashley.

But the strange thing was that even though they had let go of Rose and Ashley, both of them didn't come running to us, like a normal person would do in this situation. "Rose Ash why are you guys standing there like mannequins. Come here before they hurt you!" Sarah shouted. "oh they wouldn't hurt us" Rose said and all of us looked at her with confusion. What is she talking about?. "we have decided something" Ashley suddenly spoke up. Our attention turned towards her. "what?" Crystal asked, fear visible in her voice. "we have decided to marry them and I think you three should do it too" Ashley said. "what!!" me, Crystal and Sarah screamed in unison. No! this can't happen!."yes. I have decided to get married to Liam and Ash has decided to marry Issac" Rose said and my eyes were literally going to bulge out from their sockets. "but why!" I shouted. "we have finally realised how much they love us and how we have only given them pain. They have done so much for us and we decided to give it back to them" Ashley said and I couldn't believe my ears.

I turned my head to look at Scott and Noah to see they had tears in their eyes and they both looked a lot weaker than a few moments before. I have read it somewhere that if a werewolf's mate rejects them, they will start feeling empty and dead from the inside. Even though Ashley and Rose hadn't rejected them completely, but all of us knew what was about to happen and its effect was already visible on Scott and Noah. No! we can't let that happen!. We can't fall apart after being so close to our freedom!

What happened to them all of a sudden! It's not what they want!. Something is definitely wrong. But what?. I tried to concentrate and that's when I noticed it. Their eyes!. There was something wrong with their eyes. Their eye colour precisely. It was a lot darker than the usual. I would've missed it if I hadn't concentrated this hard.

I turned my head back to look at Crystal and the others to see that Crystal was concentrating very keenly on something. I followed her gaze and that's when I noticed it. "YOU HYPNOTIZED THEM!" I roared in anger. Everyone was a little taken aback by my sudden outburst, apart from those scums of course!. "took you long enough to realize" Issac said chuckling. I turned my head to look at Scott and Noah to see they were filled with pure rage. "wait! what is happening" Crystal asked from behind me. "oh I'll tell you sweetheart" Ethan said looking past my shoulder, straight at her. I bared my fangs, my eyes glowing red. I shifted to my side and covered her from his gaze. "yeah we have hypnotized them" Ethan continued indifferently. "and they will do anything we say. So if you 3 don't come with us this exact moment, we might make them do something which all of you will regret" he said threateningly.

"We are ready to fight but it shall be a fair one. Get Rose and Ashley out of the spells and we will fight and whoever wins the girls will go with them" Zayn said completing. "you have got to be kidding me!" Crystal suddenly shouted. "this is not a high school competition and we are not the prizes that whoever wins gets to keep!" she shouted. I looked back at her and  growled. "be quiet this is not the right time to talk about all of this" she just scoffed in disbelief.  "OK!" Issac suddenly shouted. "Challenge accepted!" he said finishing. Then suddenly Issac and Liam snapped their fingers together and Ashley and Rose jumped a little. They were out of the spell!. They were rapidly blinking their eyes, as if trying to focus. "Ash! Rose!" Zoey shouted at them and their eyes turned towards us. As soon as they analyzed the situation they came rushing towards us. "guys step aside" I said to Crystal and her friends.

"It's time for the real game"

As me and my friends were standing aside, watching what we saw would stay with us for the rest of our lives. Right in front of our eyes, Noah and the others shifted into a partial wolf and partial human. They were standing on two legs like a human but they had fangs, claws and red eyes. They all turned their heads to look at us and when I looked into Noah's eyes, instead of feeling scared or fear, I felt a wave of relief wash over me. I felt safe. Then they turned their heads back and I snapped back to the reality. I turned my head to look at my friends to see they had same expressions on their faces. I smiled at them, knowing they experienced the same feeling, but what happened next would haunt all of us for the rest of our lives. Instead of turning individually, the lycans merged within each other and standing there was the thing which could only be called a beast.

It was the tallest and the most frightening thing I had ever seen in my life and I deeply wish it will be the last. Without wasting any second, they started fighting and let me tell you it was horrific. All of them were biting, clawing ripping each other and I felt like we were an audience and that we are watching a documentary on werewolves. "we have to do something" I whispered to my friends. "what can we do it's not like we can get in between of the fight" Ashley said. "I know what we can do" Crystal whispered all of a sudden and our attention turned towards her. "Zoe do you remember the room which we found during our first search of this floor, the one with the weapons" she whispered looking towards Zoey and Zoey's eyes widened, as if she just remembered something. "wait what are you guys talking about" I asked them. "guys we're so sorry we forgot to tell you about it, actually it just completely slipped out of our minds. While we were searching for Zayn and the others, we were checking every single room on this floor and we stumbled upon a door, which was luckily unlocked and when we inspected it, we found that the room was filled with weapons. Guns, bullets, everything"

Zoey whispered out of breath. "where is it?" Sarah asked. "It was a few doors before that metal door, towards the right" Crystal said. Then suddenly we heard a painful howl and saw Mason lying on the floor, heavily injured. "guys we have to go now!" I whisper shouted. We have to help them. All of us rushed towards the direction of the door, after a few seconds we reached there but all of us were panting heavily. We don't have time to relax. The door was unlocked. Thank god!. All of us rushed inside and started looking for an appropriate weapon. "guys I found it!" Crystal said in a low voice, but enough for us to hear. We turned to look at her to see she was holding a gun and some silver bullets! Great!. That's what we need!. I have read in a mythological book that silver makes a werewolf weak and if given in too much amount,.it can kill the werewolf. I don't know why they kept such things in this mansion, probably to hunt others of their kind, but we are glad they did.

We all rushed outside, towards the main hall and when we reached there what we saw broke our hearts. We saw that our friends were critically wounded, suffering through pain which is beyond our imagination. All for our sake. "Rose you have to do this only you can do this" Crystal whispered handing me the gun and the bullets. I was a little hesitant, what if I did something wrong. "It's all on you now Rose" Zoey whispered and I looked back down at the weapon in my hand. I can do this! I have to do this. I immediately loaded the gun with the silver bullets and aimed it at my target. I guess going to that shooting centre wasn't all a waste.

I will get my friends out of here no matter what it takes! and with that thought

I fired

Thanks for reading!

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