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"It's a long story" the girl whispered. "It all happened when I was 11 yrs old. I lived with my parents and my younger brother on the outskirts of the main city. We were poor and my parents were in debt of many people. Everyday me and my brother would see a new man coming to our house, demanding money from our parents, and our parents facing beatings and insult" she took a pause, her eyes again filling up tears. I sat beside her and rubbed her shoulder in a comforting manner. After few minutes she stopped crying and continued "but they never indulged me or my brother in all that mess. But one morning I woke up to someone's screaming" she took a deep breath in. "I gathered up some courage and got out of my and my brother's shared room. The screaming was coming from the living room of our house and the door was wide open so I walked into the living room and I saw" she took a pause again unable to speak. We waited patiently for her to speak again but our hearts were racing at this moment.

"I saw all of the Lycans standing in the living room with an angry expression on their faces which scared me to death" she whispered scared. "they were screaming at my parents, demanding their money and my parents were standing there with their heads down in shame, begging for some more time" she said with a cracking voice. "no one had noticed me by that time but then suddenly Ethan stopped screaming at my parents and turned his head towards me"


"well well well who might this little girl be" one of the men asked looking towards me. My breath got caught in my throat.

My parents looked in my direction and their eyes widened when they saw me.

"Abigail! Go back to your room! now!" my mother screamed at me. I was a little scared because my mother never shouted at me.

"you never told us you both had a daughter" one of them with green eyes said looking at my parents.

"sir please she has nothing to do with all of this" my father said in a pleading voice

"yeah we know that" the man who spoke before said.

"sir is there any other way we can pay you back we don't have money right now" my mother whispered in a pleading voice. My eyes filled up with tears. I hate to see my parents like this...

"ok let's make a deal" the one with green eyes said but his voice had a hint of darkness in it. "you give us the girl in exchange of the money and we will forgive your debt" he said and my eyes widened.

"no! we can't do that!" my father shouted. "sir we are ready to give you anything you need but please not our little girl" my mother whispered with tears in her eyes.

"we want the girl. Either you give us the girl or else we will kill every single person in this house" the one with blue eyes said and suddenly his eyes shifted to pure black and he bared his fangs. My mother and father started crying and didn't say anything further. Before I could go over to my parents, one of them grabbed me and started dragging me out of my house.

"mom! dad!" I screamed for help. Both of them just looked up at me with teary eyes "We're sorry princess we love you" was I heard from them before the door closed and they disappeared from my sight.

They were dragging me to their car and I started struggling. "no! let me go!" I shouted as I tried to get out of the person's grip. Suddenly he yanked me closer towards himself and flashed his black eyes to me. I was scared till death. "listen here! you belong to us now. You will work for us till your last breath and don't you dare raise your voice in front of us ever again! don't forget what we are!" he growled and tears freely flowed down my face. I didn't protest anymore as they dragged me to the car and shoved me inside. The car started and I stared at my house until it was out of my sight.

She started crying after she finished. All of us also had tears in our eyes. How can they do something like this to someone. "Don't worry Abigail you will soon be out of here and reunite with your family. We will help you" Crystal said and all of us nodded. "It's too late now" she whispered in a broken voice. "what do you mean" I whispered asking her. "A few years ago I saw a news broadcast on the television saying that a house burned  down on the outskirts of the main city...and...and" she struggled to speak..."they showed the picture of the house before fire and it was my house. It was also said that the incident took place at midnight and all the residents didn't survive" she said crying and we all gave her a hug. After a few minutes she was back to normal. But before anyone of us could say anything we heard footsteps coming towards our room and after a few seconds the door to our room opened revealing 5 angry lycans

This isn't going to end well

Thanks for reading!
Bye! ❤

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