•Chapter 17: Don't mess with the dyslexic

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•Chapter 17: Don't mess with the dyslexic

Sam's POV

Monday at 9:15am. That's when hell begins. I was sitting in form drawing in my notebook waiting for my friends to arrive. I was in the middle of drawing a detailed drawing of Harry and Jeff when I heard the door open. I looked up to see Marcus and Hayley coming through the door. I smiled at them and put my pencil down.

"Hey Sam" Hayley said as she pulled her seat out from the desk in front of me and sat down.

"Hi" Marcus said doing the same as Hayley.

"Hey guys. How was your weekend?" I asked.

"Alright. Hayley stayed at mine to finish the French homework we were set" Marcus answered.

"Ha. I love being in a lower set than you two as we don't get French homework" I said chucking. I picked up my pencil again and carried on drawing Harry's hands.

"That's really good Sam" Hayley day looking at my picture.

"Thanks" I said smiling at her. After I said that the form door opened and in walked Becca. She walked up to us and sat down next to me.

"Good morning" she said.

"Good morning" we all chorused back. We talked for a few more minutes before Mr Luke walked in and called for our attention.

"Good morning class. Listen for your names as I call the register" he said before starting the register.

"Marcus Owen"

"Here Sir"

"Becca Smith"

"Yes Sir"

"Hayley Thomas"

"Yeah Sir"

"Sam Thyme"

"Yes Sir"

When Mr Luke had finished the register he allowed us to talk for a bit as we had five minutes left in reg. We spent that time laughing and joking about. I feel like that's all me and my friends do. That's what I like about my friends.

*Ring* *Ring*

When the bell was heard everyone stood up, grabbed their bags and headed to there first lesson. Me and my friends have Maths first. I know depressing. Anyway, we headed to our maths room only to find a sub, not our normal teacher. Today may not be so bad or so I thought....


It is the last lesson and I was sitting in art, with Marcus, Becca and Hayley listening to our boring art teacher when he asked Becca a question.

"Becca. Could you name a famous artist for us?" she asked.

It took her a moment but she finally answered with, "Van Gogh".

"Correct and how do you spell that?"


"So close. No 'u'".

A few people laughed but I gave her a comforting smile. Well I least hope it was comforting. We continued the lesson normally but I felt like someone was watching me. I turned around and saw the 'popular' kids pointing and laughing at Becca. Gits. I glared at them and they didn't say anything for the rest of the lesson.

When the bell rang we walked out the classroom to hear Josh, one of the 'popular' boys yell at us, "Hey Becca spell idiot for us so I can look it up the dictionary". I rolled my eyes and carried in walking only to hear him keep yelling.

"Oh wait if I looked it up I just see your face" he yelled before laughing with stupid mates. I looked at Becca and her face didn't look sad, it looked angry. We carried on walking but when we tried to get to our lockers we saw Josh's girlfriend and her friends leaning on them.

"Excuse me" I said trying to be polite.

"What do you want?" she spat in my face.

"To get to my locker" I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. They all made a dramatic huff and walked off the boys. Me, Hayley, Marcus and Becca put our books in out lockers and shut them.

We headed to the exit and started to walk across the yard. I saw everyone around the mini bus and they waved. As I waved back I heard Josh's girlfriend shout, "hey look it's the orphans and the idiots are going over to them. Aren't they all pathetic!". Before I realised what I was doing I turned around and punched her in the face. She fell to the floor and the whole yard fell silent.

"You little..." one of her friends said before walking out to me and going to hit me but only to have Becca slap her. Hard. This lead to a fight between her and Becca and fight between me and Josh's girlfriend. What I don't think these girls realise is that dumping ground kids are tougher than people think. While we were fighting we heard someone yelling but I was to busy taking my anger out on her. I was going to punch her again when I was pulled away and held with my hands behind my back. I whipped my head around to Rick holding me. I struggled in his hold but he had a death grip on my wrists. He pulled me closer to him to stop me from getting out of his grip.

"What in earth is going on?!" Mrs Green, our head teacher, yelled.

We began yelling at her but only to have her silence and got to Becca, "Becca why were you fighting?" she asked.

"Because they kept on calling me thick and an idiot and I've had enough" she said struggling in Tyler's hold as he was holding her wrists, through he was smirking.

"Is this true?" she asked. They all made noises in disgust.

"Oh shut up. You called her an idiot and you said if you looked it up in the dictionary you would see her face. You laughed at me because I'm a care kid and you made fun of her cause she had trouble with a spelling. So stop pretending your so innocent" I said glaring at them all. All there mouths fell open in shock.

"Office now!" Mrs Green said to them and as they did the walk if shame she turned to me and Becca.

"I understand that you were provoked but you did start the fight" she said and we nodded.

"And so they should be suspended" someone yelled.

"Shut up" I yelled back.

"Just because you two are idiots and are dumb. I bet you can't even spell your name" they shouted.

"No I'm dyslexic" Becca yelled the same time I yelled, "I'm dyslexic". We looked at each other in shock and then we smiled at each other.

"ANYWAY!!" Mrs Green yelled, "before I go sort out them lot I'm going to give you your punishment". Our smiles disappeared at this.

"You two are gonna have a detention on Wednesday. No exceptions" she finished before walked off. When she had walked through the doors and the crowd had gone Tyler and Rick let go of our wrists.

"Your dyslexic?" I said to Becca.

"Yep" she said popping the 'p'.

"Cool" we heard Hayley and Marcus say from behind us. We looked at them and then burst out into laughter. This laughter was then joined in by the dumping ground kids.

"I think we've learned never to get into a fight with you two" Rick said and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. I felt my cheeks heat up but it couldn't stop me from smiling.

"Yeah. I think they learned that you don't mess with the dyslexic".


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