Couldn't think of a title

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Hey guys, long time no see!!! And that’s saying something considering that I have never seen any of you. Well you never know, I might know you in person and I may just not know it! That would be funny, because we may never find out and ... and I should stop.

Anyway... Hello wonderful people.

 I haven’t updated in a long time, so I will update now, and I actually had something to talk about but it has skipped my mind. Meaning I have forgotten what I was going to tell you.

I am having that good/bad day... You know he one where you feel all down but good/happy things keep happening. Well bad day because I am starving!!! Yes! I love my food!!! And right now all I can think about is food. Literally. I was talking to my mum about something she is planning for next year, and I was just like ‘Will there be food there?’

And she was like (I should stop with the ‘just like’) and she said ‘Is that all you can think about? We will only be there a couple hours!’ So yeah...

Anyway good day because, well it’s just one of those days.

Well I have a maths exam tomorrow! I had one on Thursday and I  must say it went pretty EPICLY (is that even a word) so basically Ii was sitting there, doing the higher paper, wondering what the heck it was asking me to do, and then the teacher announced we had under ten minutes left!!! I panicked because I still had 4 or 5 questions left... It was then I had a brain wave and the answers were literally in front of my face!!! So I quickly wrote them down and all’s well that ends well! Well the saying goes something like that!

Anyway I was wondering, you people should ask questions, or our opinion on things, because when I start talking about one thing it leads to another and another and another! So you would get longer updates! And plus we would have more to talk about!

So I am dedicating this to @justinsbeiberismybby I think that is how you spell it. Anyway she is a good friend and also she answered correctly to one of the songs I had written in my last update!!! NO ONE ELSE ANSWERED (YET) !

Okay so i really want to watch TFioS but no one will take me. Plus my brother either (a) doesn’t know the difference between 12A and 18 rated movies or (b) still thinks I am 8. HE WONT LET ME WATCH THE MOVIE!!! I wanted to watch it with Sepia but I wasn’t freaking allowed!!

Anyway, that’s it from me for now, I will hopefully update soon.


P.S Did anyone hear what happened to Neymar!?!?!

P.P.S haha I added a P.S and a P.P.S!!!

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