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"Niah, yo wait up!" I heard being called from behind me, i pushed a strand of hair out of my face and turned around

"Hi Luke" I said, quite dumbfounded that he was the owner of the voice that called out to me

his running slowed down as he made his way closer to me, placing his hands on his knees to rest his self.

"I've been looking for you" he said between breaths

many thoughts began running through my mind, why me? I'm not of any interest to him, or so i thought

"I uh, can't find the cafeteria" he said, his breath now at a normal pace

"Its on the freshman floor, right near the main door, how did you not see it when you came in?" I wondered aloud

he ran a hand through his gelled up hair, looking nervous. like he didn't actually catch up to me just to ask where the cafeteria was.

"oh wow yeah, how stupid of me" he said, letting out a small giggle

we stood in some awkward silence for a bit , he was rocking back and forth on his heels to his toes

"well you better get going before lunch is over" I said letting out a totally obvious nervous laugh

he shook his head, like he was totally spaced out "oh uh yeah" he began walking to where I previously directed him

I started walking to my destination when all of a sudden I felt a faint tap on my shoulder

I turned around to see Luke back in front of me, myself just noticing now how tall he really was. he had to be at least 6 feet and I'm not sure how I never noticed before

"since you're like the only person so far that I can stand in this hell hole and you've been directing me everywhere," he proceeded to hand me a small slip of paper with some numbers on it, "feel free to send me a text whenever, if you want I mean."

I smiled lightly, " yeah yeah, of course. I'll text you tonight"

his face seemed to brighten right up as he let out another "alright great, talk to you later!" and ran off with a little wave

ok so I know these chapters so far are really short and kinda boring but I swear it will get more juicy eventually(;

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