Chapter 4: The Building

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A loud clap of thunder bursts through the sky above us. Then a flicker of lightning illuminates the sky like tearing it to pieces. There's a storm coming in. I used to be scared of storms when I was a child but Ethan told me story.

The story goes that the God above is playing bowling, that's why the sky roars as if a giant boulder rolled across the clouds. The lighting however came from a camera flash. That's why I smiled every time the lightning flashes. The God above takes pictures so that he can have memories of special little humans from below cheering for him while playing his game.

The hustling wind blew the leaves and branches as the storm approaches. This place gives me the creeps but the storm calms me in a way that I feel like controlling it. This place is a ruin that survived the Reborn because of its architectural design which is the same technology when they build the first castle of Ephrath.

We best hurry to get this over with. Charles looked to me as if he's been here before. He must know something about this horrific place. What's our objective here?

"What is our mission here?" I said while wearing the goggles.

It's made of titanium glass with diamond coating. It's one of the strongest glass ever made. The goggles are not ordinary. It keeps us track of where things are. It can act as a communication device, a night-vision, and can visualize a map but it needs calibration first.

"Martin wants us to infiltrate and gather information as much as we can. There should be a file inside that would help us." He said.

He grabs his gear and wears his goggles.

"Wait here, I'll be right back." He said.

"Copy, just radio me if you need backup." I nodded to him.

I stayed in the shadows long enough to see him mark everyone outside. Charles scouted the whole place to make a map. He marked where the goal and how many are hostiles. Martin never told us what to do, but he did teach us about stealth so we used them.

We sneak pass the guards by hiding in the shadows. It's almost dawn so we have to hurry.

"There should be an armory in the basement. Find your weapon then rendezvous to the objective. I didn't have enough time to mark everyone inside the building. So be careful."

"You're leaving me here alone!?"I said. Why would...urgh...that bastard!

"We should divide and conquer. Can't you remember your history lessons? Shame." He said smartly.

"Good thing you're out there cause if you come near me saying that...I'll make you regret it." I said while crawling towards the fence.

There are a lot of guards out here but that's not what I'm worried about, it's the hybrids. Those beasts have large paws and gnarly teeth. They look like sabertooths out of history books. They have bloodhound nose. I may have to cover my scent with dirt.

While covering myself with mud, I found some plants that can tranquilize these beasts. It's called Antiropedis huseis or better known as bloody leaves. They're not harmful to humans but it has an effect on animals. I could just use these leaves and let them sniff it, works like catnip.

The storm gave us a cover. I strangled some guards along the way as I weave through the fences. I noticed my goggles can't cope up with the storm. It blurs with the rain that I can't see shit. I threw the googles away. Coincidentally, it got hit by lighting.

"Oh shit! That was loud."

Wait a minute... I can can see...four guards with two hybrids coming this way. As the water fall from the sky, my vision became clear.

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