Chapter 8

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Ashton came out of the dressing room wearing a tight button-up shirt, black jeans and- "I don't like the bandanna," April said, scrunching up her face. The bandanna was over the top, that was true, but it made Ashton appear younger than he was, giving him an almost child-like face.

He shrugged, tilting his head. "And I don't like you."

I giggled, sitting down on the floor and looking up at him. "It's cute. Makes you look younger. Isn't that what you always wore when we were in Australia?" I said, remembering seeing him around the table wearing bandannas and hats. We'd never really talk, but the guys were there like a solid presence, part of our families.

"It wasn't a phase after all," He said, smiling at me. "What about the actual outfit?"

"It's simple. Boring." April teased, a smirk on her plump limps.

"So are you, April, we've been over this," Ashton shot back, faking annoyance. We were shopping with Ashton because he claimed he needed our fashion sense when it came to what to wear for a date. They'd stayed here for almost two months now, and as much as I knew that a friendship had started to evolve between the guys and I, I knew they'd leave sooner or later and I'd have to go back to my normal, boring, April-exclusive life.

"Try this shirt instead," I replied, tossing him a red shirt with black dots.

He shook his head."I'll look like a dice."

April chuckled, standing up. "More like a watermelon."

That got a chuckle from Ashton as he went back to the dressing room to change into the shirt. April smiled at me, her hands on the pockets of her jeans. "You've been really good to them lately."

"I was never rude with them before," I said, playing with the carpet underneath me.

She sighed, sitting down beside me and leaning her head on my shoulder. "I know. I mean, you've been going out with us and I don't know, just being more outgoing. I'm proud of you."

I laughed, shaking my head. "You say that as if I just graduated high school. I've done nothing but giving them a chance. One you asked for, by the way," I reminded her.

"Well, you don't hate them yet, do you?" She countered as Ashton stepped out.

I shook my head. "Hope they don't make me regret it."

"Better?" He asked.

April and I both took his appearance, smiling knowingly. "Better."

As he went back to put on his normal clothes, the door bell chimed, signaling another client in the small but comfortable shop. It smelt like cinnamon and dust, but it was close and homey. I ignored the chime, going through my phone while April stood up from the small couch, going around to look at dresses to pass the time.

Suddenly, April was beside me, grabbing my arm. "Hey Ashton!" She screamed to the door. "Not gonna rush you or anything but Amaya is -"

"Oh my God, April!" A girl screamed, her voice way too loud for a small shop. Behind her a boy chuckled but I was too occupied watching April freaking out. I knew it was a boy by the low register, but I had no idea which boy.

Inside the dressing room a groan was heard. The girl, tall and brunette, brushed past me, hugging April sideways. "I heard Ashton is here, too?" The girl asked, her tone hopeful.

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