chapter 6

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there are people running everywere and i here syrens from left and rite. honestly i have no idea what to do now, i wonna help, but anything i do will probably just slow down the prosses.

everything is going to slow and to fast at the same time, i can berly see anything, since it's almost 10 pm, and dark. i just feel like sitting down and starting to cry, but that wont be helpful in any way

i tell myself, man up your the strong one here... okay maybe that's ricker, and then rocky... and of cores rydel.

okay fine i'm not the strong.

Ryland runs over to me and says nearly able to catch his breath "come on Ross the others are driving to the hospital"

I look at him and ask "but what about alex" i know she's in good hands but still

"She is in the ambulance with rocky they're half way there buy now, so let's go" he hurries on me.

For som reason when he said, with rocky, my heart sunk, I should be there with her, if anyone should be by her side it should've me!!

What the hell does Rocky think he is doing, I like her!

Wait did I just think that, do I really like her? Okay now I'm just confused, I mean she is grate, but also troubled, I just need to be with her now

I run over to the car and barley get in before i yell "GO GO GO" Ricker who is driving looks back at me

"Okay okay, take it easy ross" and gives Rydel the wtf is his problem look, I choose to just ignore it, no need to start a fight now.

Alex POV (a dream)

The prefect spot, under the tree...

We put down are things and got comforter bull under the big apple tree, the tree that I have climes in, fallen down from, hid behind, cowardly ran into and of cores eaten by so many times.

These were always the happiest days, peaceful and nice. The sun was shining and it made my mothers eyes light up even more that usually.

I hope to grow up and be just like her some day. Everything I just perfect...

Out of no were the it gets cloudy and it starts to rain, my mom gets the idea that we should run out in the rain, so we do.

But it's not rain, every little drop burns on my flesh, it's thick, it's red, it's worm... And it's blood

I yell for my mother to get out of it, but when I look over at her the thick bloody droops have already burned through the most of her flesh, she lies on the grass screaming in pain.

I rune over to her trying not to care about the burning blood pouring down on my. I sit by her not knowing what to do, when it's like she starts sinking into the ground.

It opens around her and pulls her in, I reach out my hand for her, but she slaps it away, I look at my arm only to see five deep red claw marks of some kind left behind from her

(End of dream)

I wake up with a scream, almost drowning in my own sweat, okay ew

My breathing is fast and quick and I blink faster than usual as I try to figure out were the hell I am.

There is a brute light shining in my face, I feel like I can't breath and my body starts shaking.

I can't control my self, I try to stop bit nothing I du helps, I just shake, and try to get my breathing back to normal.

I hear a beeping noise next to me and it's going faster and faster for every second, people start coming in but I don't get a word they're saying and no my vision is getting blurry.

The people become dots and soon they are just black I feel something in my arm, like a pinch and it's like my whole body relaxes, I get tired and my eyelids slowly close...

Rocky's POV

We sit out side of her room waiting for someone to tell us how she is doing, when suddenly tree doctors and two nurses run in to her room

I get up to go in after them but get pushed away, the door shuts in my face

I pound on the door "HEY OPEN THE DOOR, I NEED TO SE HER" I yell, but with out luck

Ricker takes my arm and said "it's okay just calm down"

No it's not she tried to fucking kill her self how can he just say that!!

At that point I had no control over my feelings any more, I do the first thing I think of

And as stupid as I am, that is to punch Ricker, I have no idea what I was thinking, but my hand just flew through the air and, well hit his face

The others look at my with big eyes and Ricker takes his hand up to his cheek "WHAT THE HELL BRO" he yells and is about to push back when, two huge guards walk in

"You guy have to calm down or leave" on of them said. His voice was really deep and scary, he looks like a bear, he mush be at least two heads taller then me.

The other guy was more are hight, but his very big mussels made him look bigger.

"We can't leave!!" I almost yell and that wasn't the best idea I've had

"Fine" the shorter one says, they both take out handcuffs, wait what the...

Before you know it me and Ricker are handcuffed to a chair each, ups that wasn't my intention

It's quiet for a long time and I can't help but feel so ashamed, I don't even know why I did that, I guess my feelings for her and her safety are very big, even though I try to control it...

"Sorry bro, I don't know what happened to me" I say quiet, since apologizing isn't really my thing, he looks up and says "don't think about it" I guess that will do... For know

After some more silence Ross speaks up out of no where "I have an idea" he says brightly and stands up

Non of us say anything, as we just wait for him to continue

"We should go somewhere, like a vacation" he smiles

"I don't think that's a good idea with everything Alex is going through, sorry ross" Rydel says, but he doesn't stop

"No it's perfect, she needs to get away from here she needs to relax and not think about anything else" he sounds very optimistic, but it's not the worst idea

"Fine, if she is even up for it, who says that what she wants rite now" Rydel argues back

"We could ask her at least" he pleads

"Then where do we go" I ask so I cane be a part of it too

"Some place warm" Ricker says as he is just looking down at his feet.

"What about France, like a little place south of France in the mountains, just peace and no one would know we where there" Rydel says, that could be an idea

"Sure why not" and we all agree on it

"It would be good for her, so no one can hurt her... You know, now that she didn't do this to herself..."


Hope that this is good for know and I'm sorry the wait, but I've not really hade that much time here in the summer, I hope you like it and vote it

I will try not to make you wait to long, but it's actually quite hard to write this so it's not shit, but pleas keep reading! Love u

-Becca xx

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