Chapter 8

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"Excuse me, but we're are the pain killers" I ask a lady who works at the store

"Yes.. row three" she smiles and I take my basket and try to find them.
Okay now I just have to find the strongest ones! I have the worst headache.. I really shouldn't drink that much.
The last time I did that I ended up half naked in Central Park, with a police hours and a bag of bagels.

Okay.. no.. no.. no way in hell!.. Yes.. great these should do it.
I look around and then I see something, I start thinking about what could have happened last night

I get worried maybe it's a good idea, just to be safe.. you know make sure. So I slowly take out my hand and take the box, just hopping no one sees me.

I turn around and bump rite into someone else, so I drop all of my stuff.
"Fuck!" I say and start picking it up

"Here let me help you" he says and starts to pick up my things, he stops and looks at me
"Are these yours" he asks holding up the box

I blush and quickly take it "yes... they are" I say very quietly

"So your.. pregnant" he asks

"NO! Or.. I don't think so.. it's just... you know never mind, I don't even know who you are" I tell him and get up

"Wait you dont" he says and looks at me very amused

"Why.. should i" I ask, now I'm confused

"Well most people do.. I'm harry" he smiles, okay like I know who that is!

"Harry?" I say, and I sighs

"Harry styles! From one direction, you really have no idea" he laughs

"Nope, sorry, I'm not your typical teenage girl.." I trail of

"Well I'm in a vary famous boy band, but wats your name" he ask and smiles so his dimples really show, kind of cute. And his long wiled hair reminds me of Rocky.

Em.. I'm Alex.. just Alex " I smile

"So, just alex" he mocks me and laughs
"Would you like to do something later"

"Well I'm here with some of my friends, but we could maybe all do something" I ask, really hopping its okay with him

"That's fine, I could bring my friends to" he says and smiles that really cute smile.. wait! I hope by other friends he means guys and not girls.
I don't know why, but that would annoy me a bit...

I walk up to pay, and wave to Harry he smiles and I turn around and put my stuff on the table

The lady is a bit old maybe about 45, and she try's to look younger then she is but you can see the grey hair sticking out here and there. She has been Married, and I'm guessing she's newly divorced, since you can still see the mark from her ring. I bet she hasn't always worked here, the way she keeps rubbing the back of her neck like it hurst and that she keeps tutching behind her ear like she is trying to find a pen that isn't there any more, she was probably a secretary, but her clothes are nice so I'm guessing for a high profile firm.

It's wired how I can just tell that about people by looking at them and seeing what they do, I learned it from my dad, we used to walk around in the park and then take turns telling the story about different people. I miss that.. I miss him!

I pay and take my bag. before I get to walk out of the door Harry runs up to me and says "I didn't get your number"

"Oh yeah that's write, here give me your phone" I smile and he gives it to me, I put in my number and put my name down as, just Alex... I hand it back to him

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