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I could hear him through the door, "Ouch... is it that bad ...?"
I stared at the door, I wanted to hear what he had to say, but still not. The tears came pushing, I couldn't control myself. He knocked on the door, "Nora, hear me out!" that was the same Cam had said, right before he told about how he wanted me dead... the cold vibe got uncomfortable stronger. It felt like my feet would fail and that I was about to fall.
"No!" my voice was whistling but loud. He pulled in the doorknob, but I had already locked it. I got socked, case in the next moment the door glided up. Daniel came bursting in. "You need to come with me, I can't let Cam take you" his voice was dark, clear and mad. He grabbed my hand. He pulled me out, "What?" I stressed I could go with him! I tried my best to not get out of the room. I grabbed everything I could, get a grip on something. But he was too strong, I got my hands on the desk. I held it with all I had of power. He took my other arm. He threw me over his shoulder, I kicked all I could. "What do you think you're doing??"
"He can't get you, you need my help" he was calm in his voice, trying to not get a foot in his face. He couldn't just take me like this...! "This is kidnapping!"

He forced me into the front seat in the car, put on my seatbelt. He sat down behind the steering wheel. Started the car and drove out of the academy's parking spot. He drove far over the speed limit. "Can you at least slow down a bit?" I sounded anxious. He didn't answer, didn't even give me a look. I had a bad feeling, the cold vibes wouldn't stop.

"Where are you taking me?" I looked up at him. last time I had bine in a car was with Cam when he had derived me back after almost killing me. Now I was back again here, but with Daniel, kidnapping me.

"Ok, for real here! -" I had a mad tone. "You are literally kidnapping me, the least you can do is telling me were."
"Beacon Hills beach." He said short. Beacon Hills beach ... it was a big beach with a beautiful view. It was just now it hit me, I remembered the dream Cam had put in my head. When I was standing on the cliff. I hadn't recognised the area before, but when I thought back to it now I could see it. It was the big cliff on Beacon Hills.

We were almost there, he hadn't slowed down once. he was at least driving in 90 km/h. It was a narrow road, if a car would show upcoming towards us there was no way we would survive it. At least not me, he was an Angel, which meant he was immortal.

We could see the cliff far in front of us, he pushed the speed to max. "What are you doing??" my heart was exploding through my chest. If he was going to keep driving this fast there was no way we would stop in time when we got to the cliff.
"Slow down!" I grabbed my hand to the dashboard. "Let me out! I want to get out!" I pulled the doorknob, but it didn't even move. I remembered how Cam had done the same back at the Motel. "Go out of my head! Stop the car!"
he looked at me, the light was drifted out of his eyes, they were dark grey. "I can't let Cam become a human." He had a scaring, dark voice. "What?" I couldn't process what he said. "I thought you wanted to help me ..." He gave a short laugh, not because what I said was funny, more of a dark scary laugh. "Don't take this personal Nora, but all I cared about was that HE didn't kill you-" he tightens his grip at the steering wheel. "I didn't say I wanted you alive... the only way I can make sure he doesn't kill you is if you are dead."
Surprisingly enough, was I begging that Cam would come to save me. I wanted to scream; CAM, HELP!!

We got closer for every second, he was at least driving in 100 km/h by now. Everything happens so fast, I was literally seconds away from dying! We were just a few meters from the cliff, I didn't know what to do. I screamed, so loud my throat was exploding. The car did a jump, I felt my organs floating. It was like the worst roller-coaster ever. With a slam, we hit the water. My head hit the roof. I could feel the blood ran down my neck. The water came floating in. I looked at Danial's seat, it was empty. He had jumped out in the last minute. The water was up to my neck, my blood was floating in it. It was ice cold. I took a deep breath. My last breath with air.
The water was clear and light blue, salty. I tried to take off my seatbelt, but it was like stone. Daniel was still in my head, making me think it was stuck. I gave up, tried to crawl out of it, but my feet wouldn't move. Go to hell I thought, even though I knew he couldn't hear it.

I closed my eyes, thought about Cam, I imagined the first time I saw him. I remembered all the good moments, all the times he smiled at me, the way it felt to have him hold around me. The way his hands were soft, protecting. The way he smiled the moment he saw me for the first time. I always loved the way he looked at me. It always made me feel so calm and safe. I remembered what he had said to me on the balcony, 'You have a spark, it means you would rather do what's right then what you're told. 'Even after everything that I had bine through, I loved him anyway. It didn't matter all the things he had done, I still loved him, and I still do. I opened my eyes. I felt calm, my heart stopped panicking. I felt the pressure from my lungs, it felt like forever, until it stopped. I stopped fighting against. All the muscles in my body relaxed. The story's we were told as kids, where the princess meets the prince, they fall in love and live happily ever after, that was never my story. The dark shadow made my sight unclear, I opened my mouth and closed my eyes. I would never see the look on Cam's face ever again, I would never get to feel his hands touching mine. It was never meant for me to get all that, my story would forever stay

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