Chapter 1

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Paris' POV:

"I'm starting to regret this, all of it. Why did I decide to travel half way around to world to study? Why couldn't I have just went to the same universities as you guys? But noooooo, Paris has to do what Paris wants to do. Gosh! I didnt think it was gonna be this bad Alex!!! I mean I have been here in Madrid for what.. 3 weeks now? And I haven't made a single friend, my roommate is really rude, my face is breaking out and my life is falling apart." I complained to my bestfriend.

"Hey, hey, take it easy on yourself, have you actually tried talking to people? Trying new things? Doing everything you wanted to do? Hell, have you watched a Real Madrid game live? I think not, the road ahead is getting blurry so you just need to look ahead and it will all be fine." She said as I was on my way out of the dorm area headed to my first class. "Why are you always right? See this is exactly why I cant be here, no one will ever understand me the way you do and I don't think I can live without.... Ouch! Watch where you're goi-"

      I paused looking at who I had bumped into. No way, this is not happening, it's definitely a doppelgänger, it can't be him! What would he be doing here anyways?! "Helloooooooo??? PARISSSSS?????" Screamed Alex through the phone. "I'm... I'm really really sorry" I said to him with the most panicked tone ever and he started laughing at how my tone changed after recognizing him, before he could say a word I rushed past him as fast as I possibly could.

"You will never guess who I just bumped into.. MARCO FREAKING ASENSIO.. Or at least it could be someone who looks like him.. maybe not" I said to Alex who was still waiting, "Paris, I think you out of all the people in the world would notice Marco Asensio if you met him" she said laughing knowing how obsessed with Real Madrid I was. "Gosh I looked like such a fool infront of him...gotta go ive reached my class ill text you later I promise" I said quickly hanging up as my professor was glaring at me through the open door.

After Class

I headed to the library to copy my class notes on another notebook in a more organized way, and took my usual seat, half way through copying a girl I recognized from class comes and sits next to me, she had long blond hair and one of the cutest smiles I'd ever seen. "Hello, Paris right? I'm Isabella Llorente, we share a few classes" she said smiling, "Oh.. hi.. yes.. Paris.." I replied startled. "My friends," she said pointing to a group of people who were looking at us and smiling "and I have noticed that you've been coming here alone alot lately and we know how hard it is for international students to fit in, so we would really love for you to join us at our table! Since some of us are studying the same major we can even help each other out and share notes. What do you say?" She asked with pleading eyes that showed empathy. "Yeah sure why not.. thank you.. btw" I said and she gave a knowing smile.

We headed to where they were sitting and everyone introduced themselves and so did I. They started asking me questions about Australia and what life is like there, oddly enough they asked alot of questions about kangaroos too, and they told me what life is like in Madrid.

  "Hey guys..." said Isabella looking up from her phone, "my brother just texted me, he's having a party at his place tonight and told me to invite my friends so all of you are coming aaaanddd... I wont take no for an answer" she said that last part looking at me, I shyly smiled and nodded. "Paris, we promise you wont regret this, her brother throws the best parties ever!!!" Said Ivan cheering excitedly. "Party starts at 8, Paris be ready by 7:30 I'll pick you up okay?" Asked Isabella, "okay sure I'll text you my floor and room number" I replied.

7:20 pm

*knock knock*

I opened the door to find a gorgeous looking Isabella in a little black dress, she looked at me

*knock knock*      I opened the door to find a gorgeous looking Isabella in a little black dress, she looked at me

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with a confused expression on her face "Why aren't you dressed yet?" She asked, "What do you mean? I am dressed... this is what I'm wearing." I replied looking down at my black jeans and black arctic monkeys hoodie. She let out a cute little laugh "No, you're not, this is not a typical university party. Now show me where your wardrobe is and you can thank me later." She was already searching for my wardrobe and the second she found it she started going through the clothes like a maniac. "Okay, try this on." She gave me a red dress that Alex had gifted me for my birthday, my red Moschino bag and golden heels.

"Isn't this a little too much for a party? I usually save outfits like this for really important occasions

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"Isn't this a little too much for a party? I usually save outfits like this for really important occasions." I hesitated. "Trust me, you'll thank me at the party. Besides, first impressions really matter and some important people are gonna be there so go get dressed we're late so we need to leave asap."

15 minutes later

After locking my room and heading down to the residences parking lot Isabella led me to her car as I stood there shocked admiring how beautiful it was. "Thats one hell of a beautiful car" I said and Isabella laughed "Get in loser, we're going shopping" she said referencing the famous Mean Girls quote.

    We have been driving for about 30 minutes when Isabella came to a stop infront of a beautiful modern villa that looked like it costed at least a couple million euros

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We have been driving for about 30 minutes when Isabella came to a stop infront of a beautiful modern villa that looked like it costed at least a couple million euros.

————————————————————————A/N:Here's the first chapter, I hope you guys like this! I'd love to hear your opinions and if there's anything you don't like so I can try and fix it!

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Here's the first chapter, I hope you guys like this! I'd love to hear your opinions and if there's anything you don't like so I can try and fix it!

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