Chapter 6

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    It has been a week since the gathering at Marco's and he seems to be avoiding me, every time I call him he's either at the gym or training, when I called him an hour ago he said he's in Seville visiting an old friend and then he got confused and hesitant when I asked for his friends name. I really wanted to get my mind off of Marco's weird behavior, so I got dressed to meet Isabella at the mall since she decided we were going shopping. Knowing Bella we're probably gonna spend the whole day at the mall so I better wear something comfy.

  After what seemed like hours of shopping I realized that we had only been here for 30 minutes, and I was already too tired

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  After what seemed like hours of shopping I realized that we had only been here for 30 minutes, and I was already too tired. "Okay I promise we'll go get some coffee after I raid Gucci. Its the last stop of this round!" She said. We entered the shop where Isabella was immediately greeted by the sales clerk, "Welcome back Mrs. Llorente! That piece you ordered last month has finally arrived, would you like to try it?". I searched for the nearest couch which was fancier than any piece of furniture I've ever seen, as I was about to sit I heard Isabella calling my name from the dressing rooms, "What do you think of this? Does it compliment my figure?" She asked, "You look absolutely gorgeous Bella!" she really looked beautiful and the green colored dress really complimented her eyes. Just then a very familiar face comes out of the dressing room next to Bella's, "Wow.... Just wow," rage was taking the best of me as I saw him standing there "Does your friend's name happen to be Gucci, Mr. Asensio?" I hate being lied to. He stared at me in horror, "Heyyy... youuu... ummm I.. I.. can explain.. I was on my way to Seville but my friend told me he'd rather visit me here... so.. umm I came here to buy him a welcoming gift". I did not believe a word he said. "Nice try Marco. You know that I can tell when you're lying right? Marco, look, you've been acting very weird lately and I feel like you're trying to avoid me, so tell me, no lies this time, what is this really about?" I asked. "Okay.. fine.. I admit, I have been acting weird and distant... Marcos has been talking about you non-stop, and I wanted to distance myself a bit and give you guys your space ... you know... avoid being the third wheel... since you two finally kissed." He said with a doubtful look and I had a feeling that he wasnt telling the whole truth, that something was still hidden in those mysterious dark eyes of his, a silence fell between us and tension started to grow, until I decided to break it "What are you talking about you idiot? That kiss was a one time thing and it was a DARE. You out of all people Marco, know exactly how I feel about him. Marcos is simply not my type, and if you could just make that clear to him in however way guys understand... that would be great. So you're not mad at me or anything right?" I asked. "No, ofcourse not, I just felt a bi weird after that kiss thats all." "Okay, now that we got that over with, how about we do something tonight?" "Actually we're throwing Hakimi a huge surprise birthday party at Opium... Be my plus one?" He smiled cheekily. "Oui" "I'll pick you up at 8:30?" "8:30 it is."

Later that evening

I carefully traced my lips with a bright red lipstick to complete my makeup look as I heard a knock on my dorm-room door, "Come in" "Parisssss! You're still not dressed! C'mon hurry up! Chop chop." Said Marco as he entered my room immediately taking a seat on my bed. I took my outfit to change in the bathroom, and minutes later I was out and ready, "What do you think? Is it too much?" "Wow... Paris... No, not at all... You, you look amazing" he said in shock as he carefully took in my outfit, "thank you Marco, you don't look so bad yourself," I winked, "now lets get going."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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