Chapter 5

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   "Never have I ever skinny dipped" I said as I saw Marco, Marcos, Ivan, Luca, and Valentina lower their fingers. I caught Valentina and Marco exchanging knowing looks and giggling, I guess I understood what that meant, and it seems I'm not the only one who noticed. "Why are you guys giggling?" Asked Marcos.

   "Oh nothing its just that both Marco and I skinny-dipped just once in our entire lives and we were together.. but in our defense we were both completely wasted" she said as she, Marco who was sitting across me, and everyone else laughed while I put a fake smile on my face.

   "Okay, Never have I ever had a crush on a close friend of mine." Said Valentina.

I panicked, I didn't know whether I should lower my finger or not. I saw Ivan, and Mira lowering their fingers, and after a while Marco did as he looked deep in thought. Eventually I decided to do so, and Marco spotted me, "Oh Paris.. really? Who?" He asked. I had to make up a lie, I cannot appear to be vulnerable infront of all these people. "Uhh nothing it was a stupid crush on a friend of mine a few years ago" I said. "Oh" said Marco.

The turns kept going around while people spilt their secrets and everyone shared laughs. Finally it was my turn again,"Never have I ever been kissed" I said with an evil smirk.

  "WAIT! LYING IS NOT ALLOWED" screamed  Marcos. "But I'm not lying" I smiled innocently. "So you mean to tell me... that 18 year old gorgeous beautiful girl... have never had your first kiss?" He asked surprised. "Yeah.. something like that" I shyly lowered my head. "How about we change that tonight?" He asked smirking. "HEY! HEY! YOU! Hermano!" Said Isabella. "Yeah I'll have to agree with Bella on that one bro" said Marco uncomfortable fixating his eyes on me like I'm a puzzle hes trying to solve.

      "But its just a kiss! Its not like I'm gonna bang her.. wait, wait, wait," he said looking at me, "so if you've never had your first kiss.. that means you're a virgin too right?" He asked suspiciously, "Thank you for revealing my next 'never have I ever'" i said. "Thats why you said you'd win! But I cannot believe that you're w virgin or that your lips are virgins too!" He said as it was obvious that his interest in me was growing. "But why though? I mean you're one of the most beautiful girls ive ever seen, and you have a great personality.." said Marcos in a genuine tone which surprised everyone. "I never really had time for boys, between studying and my job at the surf school the only free time I had I spent with my bestfriends... and well you could say I pushed away any guy who tried to approach me."

A few rounds later, Marcos was taking his second shot along with Luca and Valentina, while the rest of us have taken either a shot or none. We decided it was time for us to move to the next game. "So how do you want to play this? With a spinning bottle or name generator?" Asked Ivan. "Classically. A spinning bottle of course" replied Valentina as she fetched an almost empty water bottle. "Okay, here we go" she said as she spun it. The tip landed Ivan while the bottom landed on Marcos. "Truth or dare" asked Ivan. "Truth"
"Since you're the most sexual person here you'll get a sexual question. Out of everyone here, who would you think you'd enjoy having sex with most?" Ouhhhhhhhhh said everyone as Marcos looked me in the eyes and said "Easy. The honor goes to Paris". "Theres no point in stopping you is there?" Asked Isabella facepalming herself. "You know there's no stopping me hermana." "Baby you gotta get used to it, whatever Marcos wants, Marcos gets" said Luca to Isabella. "I think we're forgetting that Paris is also a part of the equation, and her opinion is rather the relevant one. Anyways lets move on with the game." Said Marco annoyed as he spun the bottle as fast as he could. It landed on Valentina (top) and me (bottom). "Truth",I quickly blurted out, "Hmmmm... we know how Marcos feels towards you, but do you feel the same... I'll make this more simple, would you kiss him?" "Uhh I guess... I guess so" I said nervously laughing making Marcos' eyes pop.


Marco's P.O.V

The rounds went on until I was dared by Ivan to jump in the pool fully clothed. A shock roamed my body as the freezing water engulfed my figure as I struggled back to the surface. "You look even sexier when you're wet Marco" teased Valentina as I was attempting to squeeze the water out of the hem of my shirt. I couldn't help but notice the way Paris was looking at me, "like what you see?" I asked. "Oh don't you wish I do".

"Okay guys I'll go take a quick shower and change, just continue without me. Be back in 10" I said heading inside.

12 mins later

I finished my shower and headed back to were they were gathered, as I approached the group I could see the bottle pointing at Paris and Marcos. "I dare you to kiss me" said Marcos seductively as my heart dropped to the ground. Everyone started cheering and encouraging Paris to go forward with it, but she was looking at me, as if she were asking for something, or seeking my acceptance. I didn't want to see this, I don't think I can bare watching her kiss him out of all people. Marcos stood up as Paris made her way to him still looking at me, he grabbed her face as they exchanged a look, I wanted to stop this, I wanted to prevent that kiss from ever taking place. I can't believe that a few hours ago I was almost her first kiss until Marcos showed up and ruined the moment. My thoughts were running around my head and my heartbeat was increasing, which then stopped for a millisecond when Marcos smashed his lips against hers pulling her into a heated kiss. I can't watch this, I didn't think my feelings for her were that serious, I thought this was the typical occasional crush between two best-friends.

Not being able to take another second of this I headed back inside, my anger and frustration growing, how could Marcos do this? He should have known that she was off-limits, that something was sparking up between her and I, especially after seeing us earlier today in the kitchen, but nooo Marcos' gotta be Marcos, always selfish and never considers anyone around him. My frustration took the better off me as I unintentionally punched the kitchen wall in an attempt to release my anger. The punch was so strong that the pain was unbearable, I looked down at my hand noticing what I had done as there was no way that I'll be able to hide the bruises that will be forming. I turned around to find a sad looking Isabella, I guess she saw right through me, she pulled me in for a deep hug trying to show her sympathy. "I see the way you look at her Marco, it was part of the reason I kept telling my persistent brother that she was off-limits. The chemistry between you two is undeniable and I'm pretty sure she feels something towards you too. So just calm down, this was just one kiss resulting from a dare. Don't be so hard on yourself." she pulled away and headed to the fridge grabbing a package of frozen peas and giving it to me, "Here, put this on your hand, it'll ease the pain." "Thank you bella, really." I said looking down at my blood-red hand. "I have one question though. You could've stopped her, she was clearly looking at you waiting for you to prevent what was about to happen, but why didn't you?" she asked. "Wait... what? How do you know that's what she meant?" "Are you really asking me this? It was an obvious sign Marco, I'm a girl so I would know." she replied. "I thought she was seeking my acceptance, if only I'd known that she was waiting for me to stop her." I couldn't help but feel worse, how could I not understand her what she wanted?

"Come on, lets head outside before they start getting suspicious." said Isabella as she headed outside and I followed her. As we joined them again around the fire, Paris took quick notice of my hand and asked me with a worried tone "Marco.. what happened to your fist? Why is it so red?". "I was looking for something in the kitchen and a glass bowl dropped on my hand... Isabella was helping me clean up the shattered glass" I said avoiding eye contact. Luca gave me a knowing look, as he knew that that was definitely not what happened. Paris looked at me suspiciously, like she was deciding whether or not to believe my story, "I'll help you bandage the wounds later on okay? But just let the skin breathe out for now".

I'll be changing the book cover btw

A/N: So I finally finished this! Sorry for the delay but I made this chapter a bit longer than the others. I'd really like to know whether you guys are liking this or not so feel free to comment and tell me!

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