Chapter 3

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3 weeks later

After my snobby roommate had left to have breakfast with her friends, I facetimed Alex updating her on what went on during the week. "I still cant believe that your friends with Marco Asensio... Are you sure that you're not pranking me and this is all real? Because I still cant wrap my head around it." Said Alex. "I sent you photo proof Alex. Lots of photo proof!" I replied. "Ugh I know... according to those photos, friends is an understatement, you're like best buds now! IM FEELING A LITTLE JEALOUS. " She practically screamed through the phone. "Of me or of Marco?" I asked jokingly. "Of Marco OFCOURSE. I miss you so goddamn much Paris."

After gossiping for quite a while we decided to rewatch one of our favorite movies together (while facetiming) and eat ice cream. About 3o minutes into the movie I hear a knock on the door, "Hold up Alex, I think my roommate just came back" I told her as I got out of bed and headed to open the door.

I looked at who was standing outside the door in shock and before he could say anything , I shut the door in his face out of panic . Marco JUST SAW ME IN MY CUPCAKE PAJAMAS WITH CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM ALL OVER MY MOUTH.

    "Who is it Paris?" Asked Alex

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"Who is it Paris?" Asked Alex.

"ITS MARCO. I shut the door in his face oh my god." I panicked.

"ARE YOU CRAZY??? Open the damn door!" She said.

"Open up Paris... I already saw your cupcake pajamas" I could her him say between giggles. I opened the door with embarrassment radiating around me. "Do you have another pair I could borrow?" He asked laughing. "Yeah go ahead laugh at me, but just so you know THEYRE THE MOST COMFORTABLE THING EVER. And have you ever heard of a phone call? You should maybe try that sometime before showing up at someones door unannounced." I said in defense.

"First of all I'm just teasing you, you look adorable, like a 5 year old kindergarten student adorable. Second of all, I was in the area and thought I'd surprise you, besides why would I want to miss you in these pajamas? Are you gonna invite me in or do I have to stand here all day?" He asked smiling.

"I don't know whether I should take that as a compliment or be offended. Yeah I guess so, come on in." I invited him in wondering what exactly was he doing here. "Whats up? Why are you here?" I asked.

"Its rude not to introduce me to your company," he said looking at my phone, "and I'm here to give you back your power-bank, you forgot it in my car last night and I thought you might need it."

"Oh shit sorry, Marco this is my best friend Alex, the one I told you all about" I directed my phone screen at him, "Alex, this is the one and only Marco Asensio."

"Its nice to finally virtually meet you Alex" he said to her. "Likewise, Marco. Are you really here to give her back her power-bank or are you trying to steal my bestfriend? Should I be threatened? Because I hear you guys are hanging out alot lately" She jokingly asked. "I mean people say I'm quite charming, and funny too. Im prettyyy sure Paris has told you all about my amazing personality and good looks" he winked, "My point is... you should feel veeeeryyy threatened."

The three of us burst out laughing, and I faced the screen again and moved to the other side of the room while giving Marco the one second sign. "Thank you for not freaking out or saying anything embarrassing" I whispered. "No problem" she winked, "I'll leave you two to it then. Oh and don't do anything I wouldn't do. Byeee." She laughed and quickly hung up on me before I could say anything.

"Sooo, my power-bank?" I shifted my eyes towards Marco. "Oh yeah sure, here you go." He gave it to me giggling, it was obvious he was trying not to laugh. "What? Why are you laughing?". He laughed even harder now, "Theres just a little... actually.. alot of ice cream on your mouth. You really look like a 5 year old now." I playfully slapped his shoulder and headed to the bathroom to wash it off. "Do you have any plans today?"

"No. Why?" I said coming out of the bathroom. "I'm having a small get-together at my place. Like a mini party you could say, but just a bunch of my friends. Isabella is coming, and I was hoping you would too. What do you say?"

"Hmmmm... are you gonna tell anyone about my cupcake pjs?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him. "I promise I won't if you come. But if you don't then maybe," he takes out his phone and snaps a picture of me, "I'll share this on my Instagram. The choice is yours, really."

"MARCO ASENSIO, are you BLACKMAILING me?" I tried to ask in a serious tone but couldn't help but laugh.

"Maybe" he said innocently.

"Hmmmm.. okay then I'll be there. Just tell me the time and I'll take an uber."

"No need, Ill come pick you up after training. Be ready at 8, and wear something comfy but not cupcake-pajamas level comfy" he said laughing. "Speaking of training, I should be going now."

"Stop ittt Marcoooo"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" He said heading towards the door and I followed, "don't forget be ready at 8 okay?" He leaned in hugging me.

"See you at 8, Asensio." I smirked shutting the door behind him.

Marco and I have gotten close over the past 3 weeks, same goes with Bella whose brother won't give up hitting on me, but I'm kind of liking the attention. Asides from that, my roommate was being nothing but rude, and she's doing anything to try and get me to leave. It turns out that instead of placing her bestfriend with her they placed me. Enough thinking about that annoying maniac, I need to choose an outfit for tonight.

I raided my closet for something casual, and ended up picking a pair of shorts, white crop top, along with black combat boots. All I have to do now is wait, I guess I'll continue watching the movie and make something to eat after.

————————————————————————A/N: Sorry for the filler chapter! I just have alot to study since my finals are in a few days! But I promise theres gonna be some really interesting stuff in the next chapter

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A/N: Sorry for the filler chapter! I just have alot to study since my finals are in a few days! But I promise theres gonna be some really interesting stuff in the next chapter. Although I'm kind of proud of myself, I just started writing this fanfic yesterday and already released 3 chapters in 2 days.

Also: do you guys think Marco Llorente's hot or is it just me?

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