Chapter 2

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     As we headed to the front door, I started adding one and one together, "Isabella, what did you tell me your surname was?" I asked as she rang the door bell, she laughed and said "I'm guessing you're starting to make the conn-", but before she could continue the door swung open and there stood exactly who I had in mind "Late as usual hermana," said Marcos Llorente, "who's that hot friend of yours? Are you gonna introduce me or do I need to introduce myself?" He was checking me out from head to toe, thank god Isabella made me wear this. "You don't need an introduction, I know exactly who you are Marcos." I said with new profound confidence of no known source, but I'm guessing its the outfit. "What she said" laughed Isabella as she nudged her head towards me, "Oh, and Marcos, don't even think about it, she's off limits." I was a bit confused by that, "What did you mean by 'she's off limits'?" I asked as Isabella took my hand and lead me inside, "If you haven't noticed already my brother is a player... a womanizer... an fboy, whatever you wanna call him call him. He never lasts with a girl for more than a week, and is much more dangerous than he looks. I usually prevent him from messing with my friends because it never ends well and I end up losing that friend" she explained.

     I got lost in the conversation with Isabella that I didn't notice my surroundings, the place was crowded and I noticed a few familiar faces. "You finally made it!! What took you guys so long?" Asked Ivan, "Paris, over here was wearing jeans and a hoodie." "Oh Isabella, what would Paris do without you" said Ivan laughing. "Yeah bella.. Can I call you bella? Thank you for forcing me to change my outfit.. I would've really embarrassed myself" I looked at Isabella who nodded "Bella.. I like the sound of that. Yeah sure you can call me whatever you wanna call me." She laughed.

2 hours later

     I found myself standing alone as Bella and the rest of the group had disappeared into thin air and none of them were answering my calls, I looked at a hallway I haven't searched yet and went through that. As I was about to reach the first room I bump into someone coming out of it. Oh crap!

     He gazed at me for a second and started laughing, "We should really stop meeting like this. I'm starting to think you're stalking me." He said.

     "Oh gosh.. I.. I.. I'm really sorry. Nonono I'm totally not stalking you... I was just looking for someone" I said nervously.

     "That's exactly what a stalker would say. By someone you probably mean me."

     "This is so embarrassing..." I whispered to myself, "I was actually looking for my friend Isabella."

   "Don't worry it isn't as embarrassing as you think it is.. maybe a little... yes. Isabella Llorente? I think she'd probably be somewhere making out with Luca, I can ask Marcos if you really need her, i was looking for him anyways"

    "No, no its fine, I'll go wait somewhere for her" I said avoiding eye contact knowing that I would probably have a heart attack if I looked into his eyes for more than 3 seconds.

   "I'm Marco btw, but I guess you already know that" he giggled, "and you are?"

   "Paris. Paris Smith"

   "It's nice to meet you, Paris" he said shaking my hand. "How about we keep each other company since we both can't find our friends?"

   "Good idea. I'm new here and I have no idea who any of those people are" I nervously laughed. But something about his eyes was bringing me closer to my comfort zone and I was getting less and less nervous around him.

   "Quick question though, Real Madrid or Barcelona?" He questioned me squinting his eyes. I didn't answer him, instead I held my phone to his face showing him my phone case.

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