Chapter 8: Welcoming Feast

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When Harry caught up to his friends, they were just climbing into a carriage. Draco helped Hermione in, then climbed in himself, leaving Harry to climb in last.
They were all relatively quiet on the ride to the castle. It had been a long ride and they were hungry. When they reached Hogwarts, Draco made sure to help Hermione out of the carriage before they all hurried inside.
Harry walked to the Gryffindor table with Alexander so that he could speak to Neville.
"Hi Harry!" replied Neville.
"How come you didn't come sit with us, Neville?" Before he could answer, Ron Weasley shouted from the other end of the table.
"Hey you snake! Slither back to your own table. Nobody wants you here!" Several Gryffindors laughed, but Neville just gave Harry a scared look before dropping his gaze. Alexander glared at Ron as he rubbed Neville's shoulder in a comforting manner. Harry sighed and joined his friends at the Slytherin table.
"It looks like we've lost Neville," he reported glumly. Draco stared at Harry sadly.
"Shame. He was nice," said Vince. Harry nodded before turning his attention to McGonagall and the line of first years walking in behind her.
The hat sang a different song this year, but Harry didn't really listen to it. He also didn't pay too much attention to the first half of the sorting.
He perked up when Violet's name was called.
"Black, Violet!" He watched as his sister slowly walked up to the stool and let Professor McGonagall put the hat on her head.
"Hello Mr. Hat." Violet said nervously.
"Interesting, another Riddle with a different last name?"
"My mum thought it would keep me safe."
"Very cunning your mother is, and I can tell you inherited this from her, but you also have a kindness all your own." Violet smiled.
"Thank you."
"I know just the place for you! Sl-GRYFFINDOR!"
Violet was absolutely shocked, but when Professor McGonagall pulled the hat off her head she stood up and shakily walked over to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Alexander. He hugged Violet who seemed a little more comfortable now.
"I could have sworn the hat was gonna say Slytherin." He said. Violet nodded.
"Well, at least I'm here with you."
Harry was shocked and upset that Violet wasn't in Slytherin, but he was happy that she would be with Alexander. He turned his attention back to the sorting.
He clapped when his friends did, but he was focused on Luna. She looked cute in her Hogwarts robes. He couldn't wait until she was sorted, he was dying to know which house she'd be in. He wanted her in Slytherin, of course, but he also knew she'd do really well in Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff too, probably. As long as she wasn't in Gryffindor. He didn't want her around the Weasleys. Although since Alexander and Violet were both in Gryffindor it wouldn't be too bad. But he still didn't want her near the Weasleys.
"Lovegood, Luna!" Harry was jolted out of his thoughts. Luna skipped forward and very daintily placed the hat on her head. Harry nervously watched as each second went by. It looked as though she was having a conversation with the hat. After what seemed like hours, but was really only about half a minute, the hat made its decision.
"Slytherin!" Harry cheered louder than the rest of the table put together as Luna came to sit next to him.
"Harry," called Luna, as soon as she was close enough to him. "You were right! It does listen to you. The hat was going to put me in Ravenclaw, but I asked it to put me in Slytherin so I could be with you, and it did!" She hugged Harry, who smiled sheepishly, then turned her attention back to the sorting. Harry noticed Draco and Vince smirking at him and shot them death glares. He knew he was going to hear about this later. Unfortunately he wouldn't be able to retaliate. Draco was perfectly content being teased about Hermione, and no one had caught Vince's eye yet. Harry sighed, it was going to be a long night.
"Weasley, Ginevra!" Ginny walked forward nervously and sat on the stool.
As the hat slid over her eyes, the world turned black, and the hum of hundreds of whispering students was instantly cut off.
"Well, another Weasley!" Ginny was surprised by the little voice in her ear.
"I can hear you!"
"Of course you can. However, the question is, where to put you? You aren't like the rest of the family."
"I belong in Gryffindor. I have to be in Gryffindor. My family will kill me if I'm not."
"But I see all of the schemes and plans in your head. My, my, you plan to entrap Mr. Potter. Interesting."
"That's my mum's idea. She's asked me to do it, and I must."
"You must? You see, there is no Gryffindor courage there. You could choose to do what is right."
"But I want Harry. He's supposed to be with me, not that Lovegood brat."
"Ah, yes, I think I know exactly where to put you...SLYTHERIN!"
"NO!" The shout was not just her own. It sounded as though all of her brothers had shouted the word as well. "You see, they'll kill me. Oh, what would mum say? You can't do this you senile old hat. I belong in Gryffindor like the rest of my family. Now do your job properly and put me in Gryffindor."
"Well I never! How dare you speak to me like that? You most certainly belong in Slytherin. Now get moving."
"I won't leave this stool until you put me in Gryffindor." The hat had had enough. It made its next statement to the entire school.
"I SAID SLYTHERIN! YOU ARE NOT FIT FOR GRYFFINDOR!" Professor McGonagall removed the hat from her head.
"Miss Weasley, kindly go to your house table." Ginny gasped.
"But I can't. Mum'll kill me for being in Slytherin." She turned to the headmaster hoping he would intervene.
"Miss Weasley," said Dumbledore. "You must go to the Slytherin table." Defeated and shamefaced, she stood and started walking to the Slytherin table without once looking to her brothers.
The Great Hall, which had been deathly silent since Ginny and her brothers had protested her sorting, was suddenly abuzz with noise. Harry heard people whispering about the only Weasley to not be in Gryffindor. Harry looked at the girl in question as she slowly walked to his table. She looked as though she was walking to the gallows. She sat at the furthest edge of the table, and those who were near her scooted further away. It was clear that she neither wanted to be there, nor was she wanted. Harry almost felt sorry for her. However, if she had accepted it from the first, or at least seemed more willing to be part of their house, the house would have been more accepting of her.
"Now then." Harry turned his attention to the headmaster, who had risen. "Enjoy your feast! You have waited long enough. Tuck in!" Harry gleefully turned to the food and took the plate in front of him. He served Luna first, then himself, then passed the dish along. This continued until all of the dishes both he and Luna were interested in had reached them. They ate quickly, and mostly in silence, just enjoying the excellent meal. When dinner was done, dessert appeared, and they savored that as well. Finally, it was time for the yearly announcements. Dumbledore stood and addressed the students.
"Welcome, everyone to another year at Hogwarts. To our first years, welcome, to the rest, welcome back. For those who are not familiar with him, allow me to introduce our new defense against the dark arts professor, Gilderoy Lockhart!" He paused during the deafening applause which, Harry noticed, seemed to be coming primarily from the females in the room. Even Hermione was clapping enthusiastically.
"Mia," started Harry. "You do realize he's a fraud, don't you?"
"Harry, how can you say such a thing? Just look at everything he's done."
"You mean everything his books, which he wrote, say he's done."
"Well, Harry, do you really think he'd lie? I mean, just look at that face, completely honest, and gorg...I mean, um unassuming."
"Of course I do! But what were you about to say?"
"Harry! He's one of our professors! If he was a fraud, don't you think someone would have found out by now?" Harry shrugged, noncommittally. He had wondered about that too.
"First years should know that the Forbidden Forest is, naturally, forbidden to students. And, I will say again for some of our older students who tend to forget: the Forbidden Forest is forbidden to students, and with good reason. Now, it is late, and classes start tomorrow morning. Time for bed, so off you trot."
They all got up, Harry walking with Luna. He chose to wait behind for the prefects to lead the first years to the dormitory. He waved to Alexander and Violet as they walked past. He walked with Luna the entire way, not noticing how Ginny was staring daggers at both of them. As they reached the entrance to the Slytherin common room, Harry heard his name being called.
"Mr. Potter, Miss Weasley, I'd like a word." Harry turned to face Professor Snape.
"Yes, sir." He turned back to Luna. "I don't know when I'll get back, so I'll see you tomorrow at breakfast." He gave her a hug and walked over to his head of house. Ginny followed close behind. They were led to Professor Snape's office and ushered inside.
"Miss Weasley, I'll start with you. How are you feeling?"
"I'm a little shocked is all, sir. I never expected to be put in Slytherin." Professor Snape's eyes narrowed.
"I meant after the incident with your brother, foolish girl." Harry tried not to smile.
"Oh! Well, I'm feeling much better now. I was more surprised than anything." Harry could tell Professor Snape found that to be an odd answer.
"Very well. The headmaster would like to speak with you. You can go by floo, I need to speak with Mr. Potter." Ginny nodded and took a pinch of the offered powder. With a quick shout, she was gone.
Professor Snape turned back to Harry. "Be wary of her, Harry. Her story is rather odd."
"Yes, sir, I know. She acted odd on the train as well. Hermione noticed that she did not even have a mark on her face! She was hit hard enough to knock her to the ground. She should still have a bruise!"
"And how would you know that, Harry?" Harry gulped, realizing his mistake. He never wanted this to come out for fear that his mother would hear of it.
"It was just a guess, sir." Professor Snape nodded, allowing him to get away with it, this time.
"Very well, Harry. Now, I cannot truly award you points for the perfectly executed Full Body-Bind curse or for your quick action. However, I noticed you have already taken Miss Lovegood under your wing. 20 points to Slytherin for such noble conduct."
"Thank you, sir."
"You're welcome, Harry. Now, off to bed with you."
"Yes, sir." Professor Snape escorted Harry back to the common room. Back in his dormitory, Harry quickly told his roommates what Professor Snape had said. No one was particularly surprised. Soon after, they went to bed, tired from the long day, and unwilling to be exhausted for their first day of classes.
Ginny stepped out of the fireplace into Professor Dumbledore's office and looked around. One thing was certain: Dumbledore's office was very interesting. If she hadn't been scared out of her wits that she was about to be punished for her failure, she would have been very pleased to have a chance to look around it.
It was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tattered wizard's hat — the Sorting Hat.
Ginny hesitated. She cast a wary eye around the sleeping witches and wizards on the walls. Surely it couldn't hurt if she took the hat down and tried it on again? Just to see... maybe it would put her in a different house.
She walked quietly around the desk, lifted the hat from its shelf, and lowered it slowly onto her head. It was much too large and slipped down over her eyes, just as it had done earlier that evening. Ginny stared at the black inside of the hat, waiting. Then a small voice said in her ear, "Bothering me again, Ginny Weasley?"
"Er, yes," Ginny muttered. "Er — sorry to bother you — I wanted to ask —"
"I see you've learned a bit of manners. You've been wondering whether I put you in the right House," said the hat smartly. " most certainly would not have fit into Gryffindor. Perhaps Ravenclaw. Some of those schemes you have are rather brilliant. But I stand by what I said before you belong in Slytherin —"
Ginny's stomach plummeted. She grabbed the point of the hat and pulled it off. It hung limply in her hand, grubby and faded. Ginny pushed it back onto its shelf, feeling sick.
"You're wrong," she said aloud to the still and silent hat. It didn't move. Ginny backed away, watching it. The door opened behind her and she whirled around.
"Ah, Miss Weasley. You arrived sooner than I expected. Now, I have heard multiple conflicting reports of what happened on that train, so please, enlighten me." Ginny took a deep breath.
"Well, sir, I thought that if Harry was confronted with a situation that reminded him of his stay with his aunt and uncle, that he would feel an undeniable urge to act."
"I see."
"It worked, he came to my rescue. He put Percy in a Full Body-Bind. He seemed enraged at Percy's behavior. He even invited me back to his compartment for the rest of the trip."
"He hasn't really paid attention to me since. He's caught up in that Loony Lovegood. And the Violet Black seems to be attached to him as well. I'm going to have to re-think my strategy."
"Well, I can see the problem. However, you have been sorted into Slytherin—I warned your mother that might happen—so you'll have plenty of time around him. I expect you to turn his attention to you before the end of the year. Sooner would be preferable."
Ginny gulped. "Yes, sir."
"Good. Then have a good night, you are dismissed."
Ginny stood, then looked uncertainly to the headmaster. "Er...Professor Dumbledore, sir?"
"Yes, Miss Weasley?"
"How do I get back to my common room?"
"Ah, yes, the Bloody Baron is waiting for you at the bottom of the stairs. He will lead you back." Ginny nodded and left the office. Sure enough, the ghost was waiting for her, and floated away silently as soon as she stepped off the last stair. She followed after him at a jog, not wanting to be left behind. By the time she reached the common room, she was breathing heavily. She turned to the ghost.
"Thank you. What is the password?"
"Ambition." It wasn't the ghost who had spoken, it was Professor McGonagall.
"Oh, thank you, Professor."
"What are you doing out at this time of night, Miss Weasley?"
"I just returned from Professor Dumbledore's office. He had the Bloody Baron lead me here."
"Very well, hurry on, it is very late for you to be out of bed."
"Yes, ma'am. Thanks again." Ginny gave the password and hurried into her common room, which was deserted. After a few minutes, she managed to find the correct room, and fell into bed fully clothed. Within moments, she was asleep.
Albus frowned as he glared at the sorting hat. It had almost put Violet Black in Slytherin with Harry and the two seemed attached to one another. Luckily he had managed to confund it in time, although he would have to rethink his plan if he wanted this to work.

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