Chapter 19: Home for the Holidays and Dark Revaluations

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The next morning after breakfast, Ginny came up to the group of friends carrying gifts.
"I wanted to apologize for my behavior at the dueling club. You were right, Luna, it is proof that Harry belongs in Slytherin. Please, accept my Christmas gifts to you now as a peace offering, and know that I expect nothing in return." She handed them their gifts and turned to leave.
"Ginny," called Harry. "I'll forgive you this once, but know that it's going to take quite a while before I trust you. You seem to have an alternate agenda, and I don't like that in my friends."
"I understand, Harry, and I'm really, really sorry. From the depths of my heart, I promise it won't happen again. It's just a lot of new ideas to learn, you know?" Harry nodded and she left. As soon as she was out of earshot, he turned to the others.
"I wonder what she gave us, and what she's really up to. Slytherin or not, she's Weasley through and through, unlike her twin brothers." They all murmured their agreement before heading down to the train.
After finding themselves a compartment and settling in, Hermione cast a few privacy spells. Harry assumed they would discuss their plans regarding the Veritaserum. Hermione, however, obviously had other ideas. She rounded on Draco almost instantly.
"Draco Malfoy! How DARE you make fun of muggles. My parents are muggles! For Merlin's sake, Draco, I lived as a muggle for nearly 12 years! Harry for 11 years! You have got to learn to think before you speak!"
"Mia? Is this about last night?" It was the wrong thing to say.
"Of course it's about last night! What else would I be referring to?"
"I didn't mean anything by it, honest!"
"It doesn't matter! By referring to some muggles as beneath you, you refer to all of them that way!"
"But I didn't..." Hermione cut him off.
"Arthur Weasley loves muggles so much, he should snap his wand in half and live with them. That implies that they are beneath you, blockhead."
"Ok, I'm sorry, Mia. I'm working against a lot of years of ideals here. Most of the Slytherins are. You have to realize you're a new phenomenon, a breakthrough, if you will."
"I know, I mean to be. I want to end this pureblood nonsense. I'm just as powerful and knowledgeable as all of you, muggleborn or not!"
"Which is exactly why Slytherin house has been so accepting of you. Mia, we're trying, even if it doesn't seem like it to you." Hermione huffed and looked out the window. Draco gave Harry a pleading look, obviously hoping he would help him out.
"So, how are we going to convince our parents to let us have the party?" asked Harry, very obviously trying to change the subject.
"Maybe we can try Luna's idea of telling them the truth, or at least, a version of it."
"Well, I suppose, but Draco, do you really think that will work?"
"There's only one way to find out," answered Hermione, who was intrigued despite her anger. Truth be told, she never was one to truly stay angry, especially after someone apologized. "Now, the more important question is how we're going to administer the Veritaserum and its antidote. And we certainly don't want any adults around while we ask, as they'd definitely notice something is up." The friends continued to discuss their plans until they reached London, where they exited the train and went in search of their parents. They were very surprised to find Hermione's parents and Luna's father talking to the Malfoys and the Riddles.
"Maybe Mum and Dad really are changing their ideals," said Draco. The children all greeted their parents, although Harry was very careful to greet Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy and Mr. and Mrs. Riddle so as not to arouse any suspicion.
"Well, it was very nice seeing you all again, but we had best be off. We have parties to plan and presents to buy. Have a good holiday, I'm sure we'll be seeing you soon!" They all acknowledged the truth to Narcissa's words, although Bella pulled Hermione off to the side to speak to her for a moment. Harry didn't know what was going on, but whatever it was, it made Hermione very happy.
As they were walking to the Apparition point, Harry asked Bella about it, but she told him it was a surprise. After a quick Apparition back to Malfoy Manor, Harry, Draco, Alexander and Violet dumped their trunks in their rooms and enlarged them before going downstairs for dinner. Once in the dining room, Harry was able to truly greet his parents.
"Hi Mum, hi Dad. How are you?"
"We're great, son."
"We're wonderful, Harry, dear.
"Dad," asked Harry. "Can you help me call the snakes later today to practice Parseltongue?"
"Of course, Harry, although we might want to wait until tomorrow."
"Oh, right. Tomorrow, then."
"We'll plan for after breakfast."
"Ok, father." They finished their meal in relative silence, although Draco spoke up before the final course was cleared.
"Mother, Harry and I would like to host a small gathering of our Slytherin housemates to discuss the Chamber of Secrets rumor and what it could mean for our house."
"Well, that sounds like a reasonable request. When did you want to host this party?"
"Well, we'll need enough time to send out invitations and notify the house elves. I want them to come up with something new, something special. So, would next week Tuesday work?"
"That gives your guests five days. It should work, but we had best send out the invitations tonight. Dottie!" Dottie appeared and dropped into a curtsy.
"Mistress Cissy called Dottie? How may Dottie help?"
"Dottie, we need you to send out invitations on the Malfoy family paper. Send it to every Slytherin currently attending Hogwarts. We are hosting a talk about the Chamber of Secrets, and it is highly important that everyone attend."
"Dottie can be doing that! Dottie will be doing it right now. Is there anything else Dottie can be doing for Mistress Cissy?"
"No, Dottie, that's all, thank you." After Dottie left Harry turned to Draco.
"Why do house elves talk the way they do?" Draco shrugged.
"I don't know, I've never really thought about it. Mother, can you enlighten us?"
"Of course, dear. You see, Harry, when the adult elves teach their children, they teach them incorrect English. The adult elves weren't educated, so their children aren't either."
"So why aren't they educated now?"
"I supposed no one's really thought to do so."
"Oh. Maybe you should educate yours. It would make them better than those belonging to others."
"Good point, Harry. Lucius, it's something to consider in the morning."
"Of course, dear. We'll discuss the plans tomorrow while Harry has his Parseltongue lesson." They all went to bed immediately after dessert as they were planning a long day tomorrow.
The next morning, Harry woke bright and early and met everyone downstairs in the sitting room for an informal breakfast. Draco headed off to work on his homework, and Harry headed outside with his father. They sat on the grass outside and Tom turned to Harry.
Harry, call to the snakes.
"Ok, father. I request the aid—"
That is not Parseltongue, Harry.
"Oh." Harry closed his eyes and imagined a snake in front of him. I request the aid of all of the snakes to accomplish my task. All who speak the sacred tongue, come to my aid.
Words well chosen, son. Within moments, about ten different snakes came slithering up to Harry and Tom.
Who called us? Who is the tongue speaker?
We both speak the sacred tongue, but my heir called you. He wishes to perfect his ability to speak the sacred tongue.
A noble calling young master. We commend your dedication.
Thank you. However, my father did not tell you all. I wish to learn to speak the sacred tongue to my father and closest companions as well. I can only speak the sacred tongue to snakes.
You must first learn all facets of the sacred tongue. Then you will be able to speak it to others.
Can you teach me all facets?
Of course, young master. While Harry was preoccupied with the snakes, Tom silently slipped away. Although he could have easily taught Harry everything he knew, he wanted Harry to make a proper connection with the snakes.
So, what must I learn? And how do I learn it?
You must embrace the snake within yourself. Rather than speaking to a snake near you, you must speak to the snake within you.
Does that mean I must become a snake.
No, you cannot become a snake. We do not sense that power in you. However, there resides within you the power of a snake.
I don't understand.
Imagine that your soul has the abilities of a snake.
When you are speaking the sacred tongue, you should imagine that you are speaking to that portion of your soul. You are also speaking from that portion of your soul. Now, we will assist you in finding that portion of your soul.
How will I find it?
Close your eyes, young master. Now, repeat these words: Shahass Sia Shiessah.
What does it mean?
It means 'find my soul' in the Old Language.
Old Language?
Yes, it is the language of our ancestors, but it is almost lost now. Very few can speak it fluently.
And you can?
No, young one, I merely know some phrases.
Now, repeat the words.
Shahass Sia Shiessah. Shahass Sia Shiessah. Shahass Sia Shiessah. Shahass Sia Shiessah. Shahass Sia Shiessah. Shahass Sia Shiessah. Harry felt as though he was falling into himself. Although he couldn't see it, he began to glow a bright gold. The snakes whispered amongst themselves. Never had one glowed gold before, and they were not entirely sure what it meant. Finally, the golden glow retreated into Harry, and he opened his eyes.
I have found my snake soul. The snakes slithered closer to Harry, and one-by-one bowed before him.
Why are you bowing?
You have a most unusual aura, and your voice is filled with the power and command of The Sacred One.
The Sacred One?
It is a legend among our kind. I do not recall much of it, but you must find a King of Serpents.
What creature is the King of Serpents?
We cannot say. You must discover that yourself. However, you have a very promising future young one. We suggest you find yourself a worthy familiar.
I already have one. I have a phoenix familiar.
That is an excellent beginning, young one, but you need a serpent familiar..
Oh. Would any of you like to be my familiar?
That is very kind, but we are not worthy, you must find one worthy. When you find one, you will know.
"Harry, dearest, it's lunch time. Will you go get your sister? You have received multiple responses from your housemates as well."
"Coming, Mother!" Thank you for all of your help. I will meet with you again.
We will be honored, and await the time with pleasure. Harry stood and ran inside. He headed upstairs to get Violet, shocked to see her sleeping this early. He sighed and carefully went to shut the door, although he stopped when he noticed an open empty journal on her desk. He carefully walked over to it and picked it up. He looked it over seeing that the only thing in it was the name Brian D. He was confused and took the book out of the room, carefully shutting Violet's door. He went to put the journal in his room to look at it later. He then headed downstairs.
Draco stopped him before he reached the dining room.
"We have to convince Dobby to put the Veritaserum in the 'new recipe'. We also have to figure out what this 'new recipe' will be."
"Well, we can convince Dobby after dinner. For now, let's eat." Tom stopped Harry before he could follow Draco into the dining hall.
How did your lesson go, son?
It went well, father. Do you about The Sacred One? Tom's eyes widened at the sense of authority hidden in his son's words.
No, why do you ask?
The snakes told me I have the authority of The Sacred One and that I need to seek out a King of Serpents.
Then you must do that. You are obviously very special to be The Sacred One. Is there anything else?
Oh, yes, I was told I must find a worthy serpent familiar.
We shall start with the Magical Menagerie when we visit Diagon Alley for our Christmas shopping.
Yes, father, thank you. Dinner was a quick, quiet affair, as they were planning Christmas shopping for the next day. When dinner was done, and everyone had gone to bed, Draco snuck back into Harry's room and they called for Dobby.
"How may Dobby be helping Master Harry and Master Draco?"
"Dobby, seeing as you've provided such excellent service, we would like your help again. Would you be able to help us?"
"Yes, of course. Dobby is happy to be helping. What can Dobby be doing?"
"Dobby we need you to come up with a new recipe for a snack with tea, and we need you to figure out how to add Veritaserum to it. Then we need you to add the antidote to the tea. This is for our gathering on next Tuesday. After everyone arrives, bring the snack first, and then, when we give you the signal, bring the tea. Can you do that for us Dobby? Oh, and please don't tell anyone!"
"Yes, Dobby can be doing that!"
"Good, now, make sure that nobody else knows about this except for Hermione, Luna, Alexander and Violet. Not even our parents. And make sure no one eats any unless we offer it to them."
"Yes, of course. Dobby will be doing all of that."
"Great, Dobby, you're great. Thank you so much!"
"You is welcome, Master Harry." Dobby disappeared with a crack and Draco returned to his bedroom. When Draco was gone he pulled out the journal and a quill and some ink. He dipped the quill in the ink and began to write.
Hello there. The journal wrote back. Harry felt his heart stop. He knew in the back of his mind he needed to get this thing to his father immediately but something in his mind told him to keep writing.
Who are you?
My name is Brian. Who are you?
I'm Harry Riddle.
Ah, you must be Violet's brother. Harry scowled. This journal must have been the reason that Violet was acting so strange lately.
You know about my sister?
Yes. She's a bright girl. Afraid of failure, but very helpful. Harry's blood ran cold.
Oh yes. She's helping me get to the Chamber of Secrets. Harry immediately slammed the journal shut and raced downstairs.
"FATHER!" He yelled. Tom immediately ran out of his room with his wand in hand.
"Harry? What's wrong son?" Harry didn't answer just handed Tom the journal. He saw the look of fear on his father's face and he knew he was right to be worried. "Where did you get this?" Tom asked as he lead Harry into the study, using his wand to turn on the lights as Bella, Narcissa and Lucius came out into the study in dressing robes.
"Violet had it. I don't know where she got it."
"What's wrong Tom?" Bella asked.
"Violet had a Memorux." All the adults gasped at this. Harry looked around in confusion.
"What's a Memorux?"
"It's a very powerful dark object Harry." Lucius replied. "Where did you find this?"
"Violet's room" He said quietly, beginning to think that his sister might be in trouble. Bella paled tremendously.
"Violet? Tom where would she get something like that?"
"I don't know." Everyone jumped when they heard a crash from upstairs. They all looked at one another before rushing upstairs. The sound had come from Violet's room. They ran in and were shocked at how messy her room was. She was tearing apart her room as if she was looking for something.
"Where is it?!" She yelled. "I have to find it!" Tom handed the journal to Lucius and rushed over to his daughter's side.
"It's okay Violet." He said softly, pulling her away from the carnage.
"No! No it's not! He says if I don't write in it and do what he says he's gonna hurt Harry!" She struggled to get out of Tom's grip, although he was stronger than he was.
"Lettie. It's okay." He said, hugging her tightly and rocking her. Draco and Alexander had woken up at the commotion and come to see what was going on. The adults lead them all downstairs and Narcissa had Dottie make everyone some tea. After a while they finally got Violet calmed down enough to explain what happened.
"Violet, where did you get this journal?" Tom asked gently.
"I-I got it fr-from Ginny W-Weasley. S-She said th-at i-it w-would h-help me-me to set-settle into s-school....." Violet stuttered out. Harry scowled. "I-I-I do-n't th-think she-e kn-knew th-though." She said, not wanting anyone to get in trouble for what she did.
"Did the person in the journal ask you to do anything?" Tom asked. Violet nodded.
"He told you to open the Chamber, didn't he?" Harry said. Violet looked down at her hands and started to cry.
"I-I-I did-didn't wa-nt an-anyone t-to g-g-g-get hu-rt...." she said, beginning to sob into her hands. Tom sighed and hugged her tightly.
"It's okay Violet. It's okay."
Violet eventually fell asleep in his arms. Tom had Lucius lock the Memorux up in a place Violet couldn't find it. He would have a talk with Snape and McGonagall once the holidays ended. The three boys were now more certain then ever that they needed this Veritaserum Party. They didn't need it to find out who was opening the Chamber, but now to get answers out of Ginny Weasley.

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