Chapter 25: Planning Strategy

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Apophis laughed at Harry's embarrassment.
Well, in my case, queen, but yes, essentially. My kind are known as the Kings of Serpents.
I was told I must to find you.
I am sure. You are very special; I have not met one of your kind in centuries. The last Sacred One was the one who brought me here.
Salazar Slytherin?
Yes. He was a great man.
When I was learning Parseltongue, the snakes who helped me said two things that confused me.
Which are?
They said I have an unusual aura, and that I must find a worthy familiar. Do you know anything about unusual auras?
I do. What color is yours?
I don't know. Um, maybe if I chant again it will reappear. Harry once again chanted the words he had been told in the garden, and once again, he glowed gold. Apophis bowed before him.
You are indeed a powerful wizard. Your aura is gold, which means you are the most powerful Sacred One to ever walk the Earth. Never before has a Sacred One had a golden aura. I must teach you the Old Language, as there are spells and magicks associated with it that no one else knows. It is also my honor to provide you access to the library of information the previous Sacred One left in my protection.
I'll have to come back for that, I need to get my friends and my sister out of the Chamber.
Very well. I will await your return.
Lord Bedume mentioned that if you were bonded to someone, then you would no longer be susceptible to the Imperius Curse. Is that correct?
Yes, Sacred One.
And, in bonding, that means you become that person's familiar, correct?
Can you, will with me?
You honor me, Sacred One. I will most certainly bond with you.
Can I have two familiars?
I do not understand.
I already have a phoenix familiar.
You must be very pure of heart and soul for one to bond with you. You are very amazing, Sacred One. A golden aura, a phoenix familiar, the power of the Sacred One, and soon, the holder of all of the Ancient Knowledge. I am most honored. Now, come close so I may bond with you.
Will this hurt?
Some. I am sorry; I cannot prevent the pain.
It's alright. It's not your fault. Harry walked up to Apophis and held out his arm. Apophis bit him gently, but still he felt a searing pain run through him. As the bonding took place, a bright golden glow emanated from Harry and lit up the room. Draco opened his eyes and was amazed by the sight before him.
"Blimey, Harry. This is incredible." When the bonding was done, Harry collapsed. "Harry!"
"It's ok, Draco. I'm alright, that was just...really draining. Are the girls awake?"
"No, Harry. They're alive, but not awake."
Apophis, do you know of any way to awaken our friends?
Yes, Sacred One... Harry interrupted her.
Would you call me Harry, please?
Very well, Harry. There is a way, it is one of the magicks associated with the Old Language. You will not need your wand for these magicks. Kneel before one of your friends. Naturally, Harry knelt by Luna. Now, place one hand on her head, and the other over her heart. Close your eyes and imagine some of your magic flowing into her. Now, repeat these words: Hashias thiasa phrasiantha fashathe drashemath mihas. Harry did so, and could feel a slight pull on his magic. In seconds, Luna's eyes fluttered open and locked on Harry. She gave him a dazzling smile.
"Oh, Harry! I knew you'd save us!" She gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek, causing Harry to go slightly red.
"I'm glad you're safe, Luna, but now I need to heal Hermione."
"Oh, of course."
Apophis, what did those words mean?
It meant, heal this person for she is dear to me. It works best for your mate, but it will work for friends as well. Harry blushed.
She's not my mate, she's my friend.
Perhaps for now. You had best heal your other friends.
Well, only one is my friend. One is my little sister, and the other is the one who allowed the return of Lord Bedume.
I see, well, while you awaken your friend, I will consider what magick you can use for the other one.
Thank you. Once again, Harry knelt, placed his hands, and repeated the words. This time, however, he hung back while Draco looked anxiously into Hermione's face. When her eyes opened, she saw Draco first, and gave him a kiss, a real one, surprising them both.
"I knew you'd come and get me, Draco. Thank you!" She turned to Harry. "And thank you, Harry. I know you played a large role as well." Harry smiled at his friend. Apophis told him how to wake up Violet next. When Violet woke up she burst into tears, throwing her arms around Harry.
"I'm so sorry!"
"It's okay Violet. It wasn't your fault." Harry said, hugging her back.
Apophis, how can I wake the other one?
Do you have any friendly feelings for her at all?
No, not really. Knowing what her mission was, and that she actually meant to do it killed any friendly feelings I had left.
Then I know of no way to help her. I will help you bring everyone out of the chamber, however.
That's ok, and thank you, Apophis. Harry turned to his friends.
"Apophis is going to take us out of here."
"That sounds great, Harry," said Luna. "But what about Ginny?"
"We'll take her too. I'm sure Apophis can carry her."
"Harry," started Hermione. "Why are none of us petrified? We've all looked at Apophis." Harry thought for a moment.
"I don't know, but I can ask."
Apophis, my friend, Hermione was wondering why we have not been petrified by looking at you.
I have lowered my eyelids.
Dracolisks are born with a second set of eyelids. When I lower them, I can not petrify.
Why didn't you do that before?
The evil one forbade it.
Oh. Er, give me a moment let me get my friends together.
Of course, you all can ride on my back, and I will carry the one who is asleep.
Thank you so much Apophis.
It is my privilege, Sacred One. Harry quickly relayed the information to his friends, who were pleased with the plan.
Thank you Apophis. Violet said quietly.
The all got onto Apophis, who then picked up Ginny. Apophis carried them all out quickly, and let them down once they were in Myrtle's bathroom.
Apophis, go back to the Chamber, and I will visit you as soon as I can. Now that you are immune to the Imperius Curse, I give you leave to eat and/or kill anyone who attempts to control you, especially Lord Bedume.
Thank you, Sacred One.
You're welcome. I'll see you soon. As soon as Apophis had disappeared from view, Harry used his communication mirror to call his parents.
"Hello, Harry. It's awfully late, why are you calling us now?"
"Mother, Father, you need to come to the castle immediately. I'm going to Professor Snape's office, meet me there."
"Harry, what's going on?"
"I'll explain when you're here. Bring Uncle Luke and Aunt Cissy, too." Harry broke the connection before his parents could say anything else. He turned to Hermione.
"Mia, what's the best way to get Ginny down to the dungeons."
"Well, we could levitate her, but we'll have to work together. I doubt..." Hermione trailed off as Harry cast a levitation charm that easily lifted Ginny in front of him.
"How do I direct her?"
"Blimey, Harry. You shouldn't be able to do that alone. Not yet."
"Sorry. Um, just move your wand slightly." Harry tried it out quickly, then led everyone down to the dungeons to their Head of House.
Severus Snape was alerted to a disturbance in his office by the wards he had placed there. He quickly excused himself from the meeting the other professors were having, and, taking several short cuts, made it to his office in moments. He was amazed to see Harry, Hermione, Draco, Luna and Violet all casting the unlocking spell on his door, thus activating the alerts he was receiving. Even more surprising was the fact that Harry was solely levitating Ginny Weasley.
"What are you all doing here, and how did you all get here? I understood Miss Lovegood, Miss Granger, and Miss Black to be missing and presumed down in the Chamber. It was said that Miss Weasley was missing as well." Professor Snape took a closer look at Ginny. "She is still alive, isn't she?"
"Yes, Professor," answered Harry. "Can we go in your office now? My family should be here soon."
"How is that possible?"
"I can explain it all in a moment." Hearing Harry's urgency, Professor Snape opened his office just in time to see his floo flare to life. One after the other, Bella, Tom, Lucius, and Narcissa stepped out of the fireplace. Professor Snape quickly ushered in the students and closed the door. He managed a quick silencing charm before Bella enveloped Harry and Violet in a hug.
"Harry! Oh, you had me so worried. Thank Merlin you're alright! But what is this about?" Harry turned to Professor Snape.
"Professor, I need a Penseive, do you have one?"
"As a matter of fact, I did recently acquire one. Just a moment." He fetched the Penseive from its hiding place and returned to the little group.
"How will we all watch the memory?" asked Harry.
"We can project the memory and watch it that way."
"Oh, ok."
Harry deposited his memory in the Pensieve and Professor Snape spoke the incantation to project it. They all watched it, starting with McGonagall's grave message for them, and ending with Apophis dropping them off in Myrtle's bathroom. As the memory faded, Hermione was the first to speak.
"Poor Myrtle, to be used that way."
"Myrtle?" asked Harry.
"Yes, Harry, didn't you figure that out? Myrtle is the girl who could speak Parseltongue. She is the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets for Dumbledore. I must say, his anagram is ridiculous. He could have done much better."
"But, if Myrtle is the girl who was killed, why hasn't she spoken out against Dumbledore?"
"I don't think that's the big question right now, Harry," said Luna, with an oddly dreamy voice. "I think the big question is what we do with this knowledge. We have proof now that Dumbledore isn't the wonderful leader of the light that everyone thinks he is. Do we expose him now, or wait until we have even more evidence?"
"That's a good point, Miss Lovegood," said Lucius. "I think it depends on whether we want to slowly erode his public face, or completely destroy it in one go."
"But if we hold onto the evidence, won't it look strange later?" asked Hermione.
"Another excellent point. Bella, dearest, you've been very quiet. What are your thoughts?"
Bella looked at her husband thoughtfully. "I don't believe any of our known family can disperse this information. It would have to be Harry, Luna, or Miss Granger. The wizarding world doesn't trust us."
"But will they take my word against his? He has so much power and influence. I'm sure he can sweep everything under the rug."
"I think we need to dole out the information carefully. We need to find out which of his supporters actually know that he's evil. Those that don't need to be told so we can steal them to our side. I don't think we have enough power behind us, even with the "Boy-Who-Lived" status, to discredit him at this point." The adults all looked at Hermione in admiration.
"Well spoken, Miss Granger. You will be a useful strategist, not only when you're older, but now and throughout your schooling." Hermione blushed at Lucius' praise. She knew it meant a lot coming from him, especially as she was muggleborn.
"I believe we should move on to other business. First, I'd like to award two hundred points each to Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Potter for their heroics. I would also like to award fifty points each for their skillful handling of a such a ridiculously deceitful idiot. I assure you both that Lockhart will be well dealt with. I'm certain that The Malfoys and the Riddles would like to press charges on your behalf. Now, I think we had better get Miss Weasley up to the Headmaster. I believe her parents are there."
"Professor, what about our parents?"
"For some reason, it was deemed unnecessary."
"Outrageous!" roared Narcissa. "Parents should always be informed with something is wrong with their children."
"I agree whole-heartedly, but Dumbledore forbade it. Perhaps Lucius, as a school governor, would like to lodge a formal complaint?"
"I believe that is in order."
"Now, for a visit to the headmaster. I will leave it to Albus to revive the girl."
"Should I mention the diary?"
"The diary? That was locked up at our house?"
"I took it." Violet said quietly. "I wanted it out of my life for good so I stole it back and gave it back to Ginny Weasley."
"We'll talk more about that later Violet. For now head upstairs. And yes, of course. We want him wondering just how much you know."
"Ok, father." Harry and Violet said at the same time.
"You knew the risks when you accepted the diary."
"You never said my daughter would be attacked by a Dracolisk!"
"Molly, calm down, this will get us nowhere. Albus, what do you plan to do?"
"There's nothing to do! Either she makes it back out alive, or she is killed by the creature. I did warn you the risks would be great."
"But not this great! Our only daughter! The least you could have done was give it to one of our sons!'
"And which one, Arthur? Hmm? Your youngest has already proven himself incapable of the simplest task. The twins are not dedicated enough to our cause, and your eldest here has hardly befriended Mr. Potter. The only option was your daughter, but now even she has failed. She failed to entrap Mr. Potter, she failed to win him over to our side, she even failed to become his friend."
"Albus, you make it sound as though our family is a bunch of traitors. That's unfair. We've served you faithfully and will continue to do so. However, I expect you to remember our sacrifices, and that the failures were committed by our youngest when you commanded that they take part in your plot. I did voice my concerns."
"That you did, Arthur, I'll admit." Just then the sound of a gong resonated through the office.
"What was that?"
"Someone is coming up the staircase. Make sure you look distraught." The Weasleys had no problem doing this, as they were genuinely concerned for their daughter. They were able to register a reasonable amount of horrified relief, therefore, when Harry, Luna, Draco, Hermione, Violet, Lucius, Narcissa, and Professor Snape entered the room, the latter levitating their unconscious daughter. Bella and Tom had thought it best for them to return home.
"She is alive, however, we were unable to wake her." Dumbledore was able to conceal his horrified amazement well. He was sure that at least the girls would have been killed before Potter made it down to the Chamber. For now, however, he decided to merely listen to what the group had to say.
Harry quickly explained what had happened, editing out everything about the Dracolisk and the conversation in Professor Snape's office. He made sure to play up the diary and his thoughts about it, emphasizing his "ignorance" of Lord Bedume 's true identity. When his story was done, he was thanked profusely by the Weasleys, who told him he would always be considered a part of their family.
Dumbledore stepped forward and asked Professor Snape to lay Ginny on the table. He knew that having created the diary, he would be able to revive her easily, but he was debating whether doing so would make his involvement more obvious. He decided to give her a close examination, then revive her. With a few muttered words he was able to bring her back to consciousness. She sat up with a start, then looked around the room. Seeing Harry, she jumped off the table and ran to him.
As she was about to throw her arms around him, Harry stepped away from her.
"Harry, dear, what's wrong?"
"I don't see any reason for you to hug me."
"I thought you said we could be together."
"He said it would be impossible, as he didn't trust you," said Draco.
"But I told him everything!" whined Ginny.
"I seriously doubt that. Now, it has been a late night, and I would like to go to bed. May we all be excused, Headmaster?"
"Yes, of course, Harry. You may all go, with the exception of Miss Weasley. I'd like to speak to her and her parents."
Harry and his group where about to leave when something in the room cleared its throat. They looked around in confusion to see the Sorting Hat looking at them.
"Miss Black, why are you wearing Gryffindor colors?" The hat asked. No one noticed the look of loathing on Dumbledore's face at this.
" put me in Gryffindor....." Violet said quietly.
"No. I distinctly remember putting you in Slytherin." Harry was shocked at this.
"You put me in Gryffindor." Violet said in shock. The Hat frowned.
"No." Snape looked around in shock. He walked over and picked the hat up, setting it on Violet's head. "Yes yes, kind and caring. You would have done good in Hufflepuff, but you have a rather unique cunning all your own. Slytherin is where you belong." The hat said. The colors on Violet's robes changed almost immediately. Harry gave her a huge smile, as did Draco, Luna, and Hermione. Snape gave her a small smile.
"I'll talk to McGonagall about getting your things moved over to the Slytherin dorms." Violet smiled at him and headed out of the room with Harry and the others.
They all headed down to the dungeons, the students entering their dormitory, and Lucius and Narcissa flooing back to Malfoy Manor via Professor Snape's office.

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