Rowan's P.O.V

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A/N: Well...this hurts. I cannot BELIEVE this was online...someone help my sanity. Thanks. This is about 180 words.


     "What? Is she alright? How did this happen?" Rowan hissed a bit, his eyes narrowed. "Rowan, please don't get mad." Aelin pleaded through the carranam bond.
     "Zero promises." Rowan grumbled back, Aelin rolling her eyes. Yrene smiped weakly, quiet. "She's completely healthy, and so is the baby. She's only about three months in, but the child is forming well." Her golden eyes were bright, happy. Rowan nodded, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
     "Good. Do we know who the father is?" Aelin raised an eyebrow, snorting.
     "Rowan, I love you, but you truly are clueless." Yerene giggled, Azeal smiling a little. "Have you never noticed the eyes she makes at Adam? The two are so close it's like I can literally see a bond between them." Aelin laughed.
     Rowan frowned, quiet. "...and you're okay with this?" Yrene shrugged a bit. "Chaol doesn't know yet, but...they're both essentially adults. I may be biased, but Adam is a sweet boy. He and Oak are lucky to have each other."
     Rowan took another deep breath, before nodding. "Alright. I will...try to keep my cool."
     Azeal moved over to where Oaklynn had been asleep the last they saw her, tugging the curtain back. Adam and Oaklynn were snuggled together on the bed, Oak's face buried against him. One of his hands was rubbing soothing circles into her back, the other in her hair, keeping her close. He glanced over, and despite being fully human, Rowan swore he felt an animal staring back. He grinned a bit at that. It was good, to know that someone loved his daughter as much as he did.
     Aelin glanced over, sighing softly as Azeal tugged the curtain back into place. "We should give them some privacy. I'll let you know as soon as she's calmed down and is willing to see you all." Azeal spoke firmly, her words essentially law and she shooed the three parents out.
     Yrene sighed a bit, glancing at the two. "...well. I never expected to be a grandparent this early."
     Aelin laughed at the comment, Rowan huffing a bit as the two womem broke into giggles.


(2018) Authors Note: Well guys sorry for the really short chapter. Its a little hard to go from Rowan's Point of view as we don't know much about him. Again sorry.

A/N: So...yeah. I REALLY edited this one - it was extremely cringy and offputting in my opinion. Rowan didn't really act like Rowan from the books in the original version of this, and Adam ended up in the prison cells. I think that this is a lot more book accurate, and I think it also develops more character for everyone. This ended up being about 450 words or so, edited. Thanks for reading! (July 21, 2024)

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