Chapter 14

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Luke's POV

I climbed of my car when I got to town. Deciding to rather walk around and ask if people had seen my sister. Her picture was in my hand and I couldn't help but stare at it. She was smiling with her brown hair down and eyes wide. I wasn't there to share that moment with her but from mom, apparently it was on her birthday two years ago. She hasn't changed.

Screaming seemed to bring me out of this day dream, staring at my sisters picture. I looked up and there was a whole crowd of people around a car. They were calling 911 and wore complete shock on their faces. So obviously I went to go look at what happened. I pushed through, "sorry man"
"Watched it!"

"Can I get through?"

"First come first serve."
I got to the front, still not able to see this persons face as somebody who I assumed to be a paramedic tried CPR of this girl.

"That poor girl. What happened?"
I heard some one ask.
"I don't know, I swear I saw her being pulled into an alley though. Probably was raped." Another piped.
The person who was doing CPR moved, saying it was useless. But I couldn't hear anything else. "Kenzy?" I whispered. My body shook and I fell on my knees, seeing my sister, dead in front of me. "Kenzy! No!" I crawled to her and cradled her head feeling my heart break and tears pour. "Come on, wake up" I sobbed as people started taking videos and the ambulance showed up. "Wake up, Kenzy. Please. Please! No!" I screamed.

"Sir, we have to put her on the stretcher. We have to take her." A paramed played their hand on my shoulder but I just carried on cradling my dead sister even though blood was getting all over me.
"Wake up, please, wake up." I sobbed.

Somebody grabbed me and tried pulling me away but I kept crawling back, sobs escaping me until I was held back by three cops.

"Please! She's my sister! I need her to be alive! I need her, please!" But soon after I gave up, falling on the floor and grabbing my phone, calling Calum as I knew he was with Michael, still looking.

"You found her?"

I let out a sob.

"Luke, what happened?"

"She's dead." I whispered. Cutting the call.

I sat there. Staring. Nothing more to do.
Nothing more to feel .

*time skip*

"Luke. We stopped over at her place, and we found this. Your mother is in so much shock and we saw the news, we're sorry man."

"Yeah. We also found her bag pack by a tree close to Ash's place. It was left empty with broken glass and blood." Said mike.

I was now in my car by the crime seen. Just sitting there. Calum and Mike had tear stained cheeks as the entered the car, handing me a note.

I had been questioned by the cops and I told them about how I found her sobbing and reported her missing then I got here and found her.

I grabbed the note and opened it.

Luke and Mom

I know you're probably angry right now for me running off the way that I did and that, Luke, you could not stop me, but don't be. All things happen for a reason and I believe that this is my reason...

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