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No ones POV

It had been a week since the incident. Luke hugged his mother as the stared at the casket that held Kenzy. Her face no longer had blood on it, and she wore a summer dress that she always loved.

The two family members were broken. Down but kept a smile on their face while the tears flowed.

Calum and Michael sat in chairs, waiting for Luke to come through so they could hug him and give him their condolences.

Savannah and Rachel showed up. Tears falling down their face as they offered the dead girl her favourite flowers which were Jasmines, Lavender and red roses.
They stared at her pail skin. Regretting not talking to her that often.

Teachers sat and paid their respects then.
The funeral was filled with tears and kind words. But nobody noticed Ashton slip in. They didn't notice him place a kiss on her forehead. They didn't notice him whisper his last 'I love you' to her. And they didn't notice how his heart was broken too.

He stared at the ring he had gotten her. Throwing it at a tree that still had shards of glass at the bottom. The one with her blood still laying there while he walked inside and grabbed a gun, pointing it at his head and hearing the gunshot go off.

Bammmmmm!!!! Donnee

There we go. I'm so sorry it took me so long to finish this. And I'm so not sorry it landed on a sad note. I hope you all enjoyed this and are not angry for the way I ended this.😬 anyway, I love you guys.
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Love you!!!

I expect to see you soon

Update: This is honestly my most hated book... I can't stand it but apparently yall enjoy it so I won't take it down... too bad I'm a hardcore last on and Malum shipper now 😂

In Love With My Teacher - Ashton IrwinWhere stories live. Discover now