Chapter 5

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Goldenshine's POV

Even through the slits of my eyelids, I could see that the sun was bright and high in the sky.

I had the audacity to fully open my eyes and face the sunlight. It was indeed about sunhigh.

I looked down to see that Swiftkit was still at my side, fast asleep.

That's strange, I said to myself, usually he's bouncing off of the den walls at this time of day.

I slowly and quietly stood up, but Swiftkit's eyes still began to open. His mouth gaped into a huge yawn.

I let out a mrrow of laughter as he slowly began to rise from his slumber.

I gave him a little poke with my tail. "Great StarClan, you aren't going to be able to sleep at all this moonhigh if you slept as long as I think you did," I commented to him.

He turned to me, his eyes looking heavy with fatigue. "I didn't," he said groggily.

I tilted my head in confusion.

He let out another huge yawn. "I woke up just before dawn and couldn't fall back asleep for what felt like moons."

I stroked his small head with my tail and then licked his ears.

"Well, get some sleep then!" I told him,"Strong warriors need to be well rested."

I think the thought of a warrior got through to Swiftkit. He let out one last yawn and then lied his head back down in the nest.

Before I left the den, I looked over to Poppyfrost and her kits, where they were playing.

My heart nearly stopped again as I looked at the white kit, now named Snowkit.

I remember my heart skipping a beat as Poppyfrost told me that she would be sharing the same name as my sister.

As Cherrykit, Molekit, and Snowkit were playing, my gaze locked with Snowkit's. Snowkit paused where she was, and gray eyes met blue.

I was suddenly filled with such longing and love. It was almost as if Snowflight was there in the den with me. It was crazy to think that part of her soul was in this kit.

Yet, I knew I would never see the real Snowflight again. It was such a strange feeling.

Snowkit then shook her head quickly, and she continued to play with her new siblings.

I gave Swiftkit one last lick on the head, and then I left the den.

I traveled over to the medicine den to see how Jayfeather was doing.

I entered the den to see that Jayfeather was organizing herbs. He acknowledged my presence by flicking his tail.

I sat there for a few heartbeats before he finally asked,"What do you want?"

I shrugged.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing with the whole Snowkit deal?"

His head shot towards me.

"What do you mean,'how am I doing?' I'm perfectly fine, and it's not bothering me anymore!" he insisted.

Before I could question him anymore, I heard high-pitched squeals getting closer and closer to the medicine den, and I turned to see Poppyfrost walking into the medicine den with Snowkit in her mouth, who was whimpering and squealing loudly. I could see that there was a thorn in one of her paws. I saw Jayfeather tense up as Poppyfrost set her down.

"Snowkit was playing a little too hard. Poor thing got a thorn stuck in her paw," she meowed, looking down at Snowkit,"Jayfeather, think you can fix it?"

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