Chapter 26

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Swiftpaw's POV

"Great!" Purred Foxleap. "Awesome job, Swiftpaw."

I let out a small huff of satisfaction as I backed away from Foxleap, who I had pinned down. We had been battle training since dawn, and although it didn't feel nearly as exhilarating as battle training did with Ashfur and Tigerstar in the Dark Forest, I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

I could tell that Foxleap was impressed by how easily things seemed to come to me. I knew that the whole purpose of me training in the Dark Forest was to get me ahead, and it was certainly working. About halfway through our training, I think Foxleap had found himself having to be less and less thorough with his directions when he was teaching me a battle move.

In fact, it had been this way since I had first become an apprentice about a quarter moon ago. I tried not to show it, but a lot of the teaching that Foxleap was giving me, I already knew. But, I highly respected Foxleap already as a Clanmate and as a mentor, so I tried really, really hard not to cut him off and tell him I knew what he was talking about, as impatient as I felt sometimes.

I didn't get off completely easy, though. Although I went into my apprenticeship being well informed of a lot of things already, Tigerstar and Ashfur had only taught me the special fighting moves that Clan cats typically didn't know much about, so that meant I wasn't aware of battle moves specific to ThunderClan. I was glad to learn at least something new.

After I had released Foxleap from underneath me, he backed away and proceeded to stretch out, lashing his tail in the air. "Okay, Swiftpaw," he began, "Before we head back to camp, let's test you a bit."

I tilted my head, immediately captured by my mentor's words.

Foxleap finally stood up from his stretch. "I want to see you integrate what I've taught you so far," he meowed, his eyes narrowed. "Attack me. Let's see what happens."

I couldn't suppress a smirk. Time to show Foxleap what I've got!

Without hesitation, I leaped on Foxleap, throwing him off by facing his left shoulder, but proceeding to leap to the right. I immediately was able to bowl him over, despite my slightly smaller size. Before I knew it I had him pinned down. Then, Foxleap lightly knocked me back with hind paws. I flew back, rolled backwards, but immediately was able to jump back up as I saw Foxleap jumping at me. I let out an excited hiss and was able to quickly dodge the dark ginger tom. As I swerved out of the way, I had managed to give Foxleap a small swipe with a sheathed paw. Unfortunately though, that just gave Foxleap more time to leap back on me. I rolled over, Foxleap landing on his side. I jumped up, raising one of my paws in the air.

Foxleap raised one of his paws from where he was lying, as if to tell me to stop. "Alright, alright, Swiftpaw!" He meowed, his voice full of laughter. "That's all we'll do for today." He then stood up, shaking out his fur. "That was great for a first try, Swiftpaw," he complimented. "You are quick. Very quick, and strong. You definitely would be able to defend yourself in a battle."

I flicked my ears, my eyes widening. "Really?" I asked. I'm barely into my apprenticeship and my mentor tells me I could defend myself in a battle? Is the Dark Forest paying off or what?

Foxleap nodded, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "I wouldn't tell you that if it wasn't true. No mentor would, in fact," he answered as he began to pad towards camp, beckoning me with his tail. "Firestar will definitely know about this!"

I couldn't suppress an excited shiver. This is awesome! I can't wait to be able to defend my Clan in battle, and I may get to do it earlier than any other apprentice.

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