Chapter 17

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Lilypetal's POV

Pippy and Dusty flashed beside me as I was about to step onto the tree bridge, on the way with the rest of ThunderClan to return to our territory.

As I stepped onto soft earth once again, I fell back to pad beside Squirrelflight and Leafpool. As much as I wanted to talk and catch up with them, I was drowning in my own inner thoughts, and I felt like I wouldn't be able to get a word out without sounding jumbled.

So much was on my mind at the moment. I had barely been able to pay attention to the gathering at all.

Ever since Jayfeather and Goldenshine had given me the outrageous news that Snowkit was Snowflight, I had delved into thoughts about this, and just how incredibly out of the loop I had been with things lately.

Not only had I missed what was going on with Snowflight, but I had had no idea that Swiftkit might potentially be in danger.

It still might be just a dream though... I realized to myself. Nevertheless, I've been so caught up in my past lately that my dedication as a warrior is faltering! Although having encounters with Smudge and the former kittypets had been lovely, I needed to pull back from my kittypet roots and go back to being the best warrior that I could be.

I even let a silly kittypet get Thornclaw worried! Great StarClan...

I made a decision right then and there that I need to put all of my past behind me. Firestar had done it, Cloudtail had done it, and even Daisy. I could as well.

As ThunderClan began to travel through their own territory, I took a relieved deep breath, and I began to converse with Squirrelflight and Leafpool, finally. They were able to lift my spirits even more. I always enjoyed talking to two of my oldest friends in this Clan.

Finally, ThunderClan arrived to the Clan entrance, and cats, exhausted, began to crawl through to go to their dens for the night.

I then tilted my head in confusion as I suddenly heard alarmed yowls of curiosity and protest. I gave Leafpool a worried look and then ran ahead to see what was going on.

I crawled through the camp tunnel to see many cats facing Jerry, who was standing near the Highledge, not seeming intimated at all.

What in the name of StarClan could he be doing here? I already knew that this tom being in ThunderClan camp couldn't possibly bring anything good.

I saw Dusty and Pippy finally trot up to the dark ginger tom and touch noses with him. As I watched this, I felt a muscular flank rub past me, and I saw that Thornclaw had nudged his way through the crowd to face Jerry.

"What are you doing here?" he growled through gritted teeth.

I cringed back, knowing that Thornclaw already had something against Jerry. I was already praying to StarClan that this wasn't going to turn into a huge squabble between my mate and some kittypet.

Firestar, who was already at the front of the group of cats, raised his tail to silence Thornclaw and then took a step closer to Jerry.

"Although I don't want to rip your fur off," Firestar began, giving Thornclaw a warning but concerned look, "I would also like to know what you are doing in our camp."

Jerry quickly glanced at me, and then faced Firestar, putting the tip of his tail on Pippy's shoulder. "Smudge had wanted to stop by, because he was still waiting on Pippy's word as to whether or not she wanted to become a Clan cat," Jerry began. He glanced at me once more before he spoke again, "I saved him a trip and came in his place."

As Jerry kept shooting me quick glances, I saw that other cats were beginning to notice. They would glance back at me, either narrowing their eyes or staring in concern.

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